Feminism is the radical idea that women and men are equal! Oh - TopicsExpress


Feminism is the radical idea that women and men are equal! Oh really? *** I deal with violence. More specifically practical ways to avoid being targeted for and harmed by violence. Never mind cleaning up the mess, psychological damage control and legal consequences, my primary focus is ways to keep from bleeding on the floor. With this youd think that feminism and I would be natural allies -- I mean hey, my goal is to help keep people safe from violence. A big part of the feminist platform is violence against women. Working together makes sense? Sooooo not happening. Hannibal Rex already quoted J. Schumpeters The first thing a man will do for his ideals is lie. Now Id like to add Finagle factor. Wikipedia defines it as: A related concept, the Finagle factor, is an ad hoc multiplicative or additive term in an equation which can only be justified by the fact that it gives more correct results Or as it is more commonly understood version, when the results arent what you wanted, change the equation until you get the answer you want. Heres a fun one if youre an advocate for abuse victims. Mandatory arrest for domestic violence. Why? Because women are being slaughtered by their abusive intimates. These deaths are the justification for the need for mandatory arrest. I actually chased down the number of wives/girlfriends killed in relationship violence, in 2011 the known number is 1026. fbi.gov/.../expanded-homicide-data-table-10 In the same year there were 12,664 murders -- gives us roughly an 11 to 1 ratio of men being killed to women.Uhhh okay, lets finagle the equation and warn people that every day 3 women are killed by their partners in the US. Okay that sounds much worse and comes out roughly to the same number. 1026 ignores all the dead men -- including those killed directly by wives/girl friends -- and an unknown number of murders by proxy. Then I ran across a domestic violence advocacy group that claimed there are 13,000,000 incidents of domestic violence annually in the US. Allowing both numbers to be true, it turns out that 1,026 of 13,000,000 is 0.00789%. A death rate that has two zeros AFTER the decimal point is the basis for the need for mandatory arrest in domestic violence? Oh BTW, if you want to bump your numbers, you intentionally blur the distinction between abusive situations and domestic violence. See abusers do tend to kill intimates at a disproportionate rate. However, contrary to popular dogma domestic violence is a participatory fight -- and overwhelmingly non-lethal. Finagle factor #2 -- when mandatory arrest was first introduced the arrest rates for violence against an intimate came in at 54% male, 46% female. Because BOTH we using physical violence (This point is radically ignored pubpages.unh.edu/~mas2/V75-Straus-09.pdf ) FINAGLE FACTOR TO THE RESCUE! Rewrite the laws not so the person who physically attacked first or participated in the creation, escalation and execution of the fight is arrested. But the winner By rewriting the law to order the arrest of the primary aggressor you can ignore that women hit more often (usually first) and focus on the fact that men cause more damage. Which is odd because basically when women get hurt by being struck by men its because the man is hitting the woman in the same way hed hit another man. Well thats an unexpected downside of equality there. Heres the other problem. Mandatory arrest is already on thin ice for that .00789 its supposed to save. But now... somebody HAS to go to jail. Not two somebodies (which would be equal and fair enforcement), but the man. At least that is how it is being enforced. And additional problem is there is intense pressure on patrol officers to tag, bag and drag home. That is to say make arrests without proper investigation to free other officers and get them back onto patrol. Oh yeah and figure these men are facing between $10,000 to $25,000 court costs for their defense. Other wise they are just convicted, fined and/or throw into county jail .. thereby losing their jobs and ability to pay. Call me stupid, but I have a hard time seeing how this is anything close to equal treatment. Now Id surely like to hear the opinions from the quiet majority of feminists about what we can do about this problem. Because these laws are the result of the lobbying of a bunch of feminists who werent exactly middle of the road.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 18:37:30 +0000

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