Feminists and women always say he must have deserved it as can be - TopicsExpress


Feminists and women always say he must have deserved it as can be seen in the comments section. Victim blaming is ok when men are victims, but never ok when women are victims. Here a repeatedly violent woman is given probation, and allowed to attack again. Women are perpetrators of domestic violence at the same level as men and initiate domestic violence the majority of the time. (Hartford study- via the CDC), Yet we only have a law that addresses violence against women. We only spend taxpayer dollars on stopping violence against women and building shelters only for women. Biden, Obama, Schumer, Gillebrand (whos office claims only 3% of DV is perpetrated by women) and others are guilty in assisting women like this to abuse men. huffingtonpost/2014/01/23/thomas-blige-mary-j-blige-stabbing_n_4654530.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 06:10:24 +0000

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