Feminst Press Is Publishing Her Book and she continues to harass a - TopicsExpress


Feminst Press Is Publishing Her Book and she continues to harass a woman which is me whom you honor as one of the Most Important Lesbians from the 70s and I read in a homage to me there were I represented Third Woman Press and Norma Alarcon. Can you imagine the damage she will do to the Feminist Press if a Human Rights Activist or a Critic of Literature whoever he or she is in the audience and she bows out on a signing of a book you are publishing for her called Give It To Me ? It is a GLBTQ book by the way and I was the first reader of her manuscript and I should have been paid for it but I did it for free because I wanted to nominate the book for an award. But now, too bad because she is insulting the one person who helped her published the book and so many colleagues in academia. Good Morning: Still trying to clear matters out in academia on how Ana Castillo canceled a reading and said that it was all because of me and I get harassed when I started the ball rolling as to why she had canceled when she was ready to begin. Upon calling to find out on behalf of the entire audience, they insulted me privately as if they were following her personal reasons and agenda which now involve the fact that she canceled because I was sitting there? To top things off, she still says that I am harassing her although she has two Cease and Desist letters to stop harassing me and for calling me a stalker and her attorney is not answering my attorneys call for a settlement. Ohio U Police Agent Chambers from campus police even told me that they tapped my conversations and shared my emails to a faculty member and my nieces phone calls also and mine too when taping is against Florida law in my case unless I am told I am being taped and I give consent and my emails are copyrighted and must not be share to anyone. So Ohio U is following Ana Castillo in lock step and therefore they are not following the two Cease and Desist orders against her too because she is using them to continue her harassment of me in public while in private she has stopped posting insulting notes on La tolteca because she was asked just to give it up and thank me for helping Marcelo Castillo her son get out of jail And even that she does not even want to do claiming that no Human Rights Activist ever needs to be thanked; not even Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa of Calcutta or anyone who does Activism even her own husband, Marcelos father. Before she has said in public and to me in private that she wants no part of academia or academicians, specially literary critics, because we are all ass-holes who interpret her work following literary theory and all she wants is a regurgitation of the bare facts of her novels. Att. Ana Castillo
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 10:30:16 +0000

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