Ferguson Action Team actions for the next three days. Please - TopicsExpress


Ferguson Action Team actions for the next three days. Please share... Saturday: Mass Action #NoWords To make clear that this week’s actions were not just a passing moment we are asking folks to turn out big on Saturday. In addition to whatever actions and events folks have planned we will be taking 4.5 minutes of silence, representing the four and half hours that Mikes body lay in the street. We also are asking folks to read the names of other unarmed Black people killed by the state. Sunday: Faith in Action #ACallToResist Many media outlets focus exclusively on the alleged violence wrought by Black youth, while the violence of the state against our communities goes unnamed. We are asking people, of all faith and non-faith traditions, to reflect on this reality and this moment. We have asked churches across the country to elevate and speak to Jeremiah 6:14-15: “They have treated the wound of my people carelessly, saying, “Peace, peace,” when there is no peace. They acted shamefully, they committed abomination; yet they were not ashamed... Monday: Mass Walkout #HandsUpWalkOut We are asking you and your organizations to support a mass walk out on Monday at 12:01pm CST—the time that Mike Brown was murdered. Folks can put their hands up as they leave their job, schools or wherever they are and gather together. Please share widely on social media using #HandsUpWalkOut.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 21:43:24 +0000

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