Ferguson Violence Is Not That Far From Home Today our hearts - TopicsExpress


Ferguson Violence Is Not That Far From Home Today our hearts and prayers go out to people of Ferguson. People are hurting. Many feel the justice system has failed them. Others worry about the risk of being a law enforcement officer in these times. You and I cannot know the full detail of all the evidence presented to the Grand Jury nor the limitations of the law as it applied to the situation. What we can know is this is a community torn apart largely along lines of color and economics. We feel rather helpless in the situation to know what to do or who to support. During the waiting time leading up to the Grand Jury I read story after story of our United Methodist pastors and churches in Ferguson encouraging dialogue and calm. They will continue to work at being mediators in this volatile situation. In the midst of our helplessness we can pray for them and for their city. If there is hope to come from the violence and ashes perhaps it is a hope born in each of to examine our own lives and our own cities. What are our policies for reasonable force? What does the disproportion of Alaska Natives and blacks in our correctional institutions tell us? How can our communities work together to find solutions to violence of all kinds? Ferguson seems far away from us but if we are honest we know that our own communities struggle with similar issues. I pray that God would enable us to proactive in the quest for justice for all persons. Pastor John
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 00:32:57 +0000

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