Ferocious storm! Wind howling too loud to sleep. Ocean roaring and - TopicsExpress


Ferocious storm! Wind howling too loud to sleep. Ocean roaring and booming like endless jets flying over and dropping bombs nearby. Everything rumbles and thuds. Bitter biting cold and slanting ice rain. My thermometer about 5ft from my patio door...inside!...says 28°F. And the door is closed for a change. I resist closing it except in most extreme conditions. But this qualifies. Just opening long enough to check the river, foze my hands and face and almost knocked over my gardenia. The river is lapping just a few feet below the bank with white crested waves throwing spay into the yard. Higher than ive ever seen it! It is high tide so maybe it wont get any higher tonight? Fingers crossed. I do not want that ice water coming into my house. And i do not want to have to go out to get to higher ground. Funny thing is...the weater reports tell me its 46° and clear with the wind at 9 mph. So much for distant technology. Ok. I love these fierce NW Coastal storms! I really do. As long as i can stay cuddled up under quilts with good music and a good book. But this is gonna hit the plains and east coast in a couple of days, so watch out people. Dont put your winter gear away yet. And ill bet the weather centers get those conditions close to right. Unlike out here, where they miss more often than they hit, and dont even get close to the ball park most of the time. Especially when the storms slam into us. Im gonna go make some hot cocoa. Nite, all. *-)
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 09:15:26 +0000

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