Few books are ever called Epic or Profound… Rarely does a story - TopicsExpress


Few books are ever called Epic or Profound… Rarely does a story leave you overcome with such emotion…. Life, without love, is meaningless. Check out all the gracious reviews and discover why… Five star review from Bike Book Reviews… This is one of those books that takes you out of your element, and catches you off guard, and let me tell you people you will love every minute of it! This is a story of friendship turning into something these friends were not prepared for, or expected! This is a wonderfully written, heartfelt story by an author that it seems was born to be a storyteller. Pick up this book and get lost in the world of Jon and Dave, but just know, you will come out on the other side of this book a few tissues lighter of a box. And this book embedded in your heart forever! Thanks D.t., for leaving your heart on the page for us to read Five star review from Rainbow Gold Reviews… I am going to be completely honest here, cause if I wasn’t that would defeat the point of an honest review. This started off very slow for me, so much so I wasn’t sure I wanted to continue. But I am so thankful I did, cause this book is truly a beautiful love story. And I am not sure my review will be able to do it justice, but I am going to try cause I firmly believe you will love this book as much as I now do. This book wrecked me. It wrecked me in the best possible way. In a way lets you know you just finished an EPIC book, a book that will hold a very special place in your heart. A book that you will compare others to. A book that you will reread when you need the ultimate love story. Cause that is what this one was, the ultimate love story. Five star review from GGR… D. T. Peterson, is one clever author, he managed to keep my attention by slowly giving us a unique insight into this era as well as great character development, he weaves a story that captured my heart as well as my mind and had me actually loving the irritating Dave by the end of the book. This was a wonderful read, one that will play on my mind for a long time and I now wish I’d concentrated more while reading the first section of the book. It teaches us that our views and actions will affect our future and then we have to live with the consequences. My emotions were certainly all over the place for the last hour of this journey there are many twists and turns that will keep you guessing, worrying and if you’re asthmatic I advise you keep an inhaler nearby as I got so chocked up I couldn’t breathe! Warning!! Don’t forget the tissues, OMG you’re going to need a box full. The ending was perfect even though I was sobbing, it’s certainly not your usual HEA but a well-crafted epic love story, one I highly recommended! amazon/The-Cove-D-t-Peterson/dp/1502469952/ref=sr_1_cc_2?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1411475629&sr=1-2-catcorr&keywords=the+cove+dt+peterson
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 00:02:09 +0000

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