Few facts from history about Palestine and Israeli occupation - TopicsExpress


Few facts from history about Palestine and Israeli occupation : 1. There is no historical enmity between Arabs and Jews. 2. Jews flourished in the Arab world at the time when they were persecuted in all of Europe. 3. In 19th century, minority of Jews called Zionists thought of making their own country in Palestine. 4. Zionists are propagating their children that Palestine was empty when jewish settlers started migrating to Palestine. 5. Is it really true that Israel was a land without people for people without a land ? 6. In 1878, Palestine consisted of 3.2% Jews and 96.8% Muslim and Christian Arabs. 7. 65,000 jews migrated to Palestine between 1878-1914 under British supervision. 8. In 1922, Palestines population became 11% Jews and 89% Muslim and Christian Arabs. 9. In 1922, when land was being stolen from Palestinians, first riot between Jews and Palestinians started. 10. In between 1920-1931, 1,08,825 Jewish immigrants arrived in Palestine. In 1931, Palestines population became 17% Jews and 83% Muslim and Christian Arabs. 11. In between 1931-1936, 1,74,000 Jewish immigrants arrived in Palestine due to Hitlers Holocaust. 12. In between 1937-1945, 1,19,800 Jewish immigrants arrived in Palestine. 13. In 1947, UNO, under the pressure of UK, decided to divide Palestine into two states, Jewish and Palestinians. 14. It was decided by mighty UNO to give 43% of land to Palestinians despite being over 2/3 of population and being owner of complete Palestine. 15. Jews were to be given 56% of the land although they comprised less than 1/3 of population and owned less than 8% of land where they were settled by hospitable Palestinians. 16. After the decision of UNO, zionists started occupying major cities and lands of Palestine. 17. Ethnic cleansing of Palestinians started under umbrella of UNO. 18. In 1948, Zionists announced their state of Israel. 19. 78% of Palestine was occupied by Israel, west bank was associated with Lebanon and Gaza with Egypt. And state of Palestine was divided. 20. Palestinians became refugees and UNO officially banned Palestinians to return to their land. They were not allowed by UNO to go back to their land even for a visit. . . Now tell me who is terrorist ? Whose state was captured by force ? Who has the right of self defense ?
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 19:04:42 +0000

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