Few people in town I mean the city people each person has a - TopicsExpress


Few people in town I mean the city people each person has a different view and we all cannot be cooked in the same pot•Why ? The cook will find difficulty in cooking potatoes harvested from the highland because they are as hard as a stone•We have a lot of issues and there fore complex but we wont be S o m a l i s shortly after late Saidbarre who after his epoch the Nation disintegrated because each member felt a boss and had A PHILOSOPH to present and each was saying he had a vision for his country round one it was 20 years until President M u s e v e n i ,President Kagame and Nkuruzinza took the bull by the horn today our people in Somalia have a state and no industrialized country which ever it was will continue to damp industrial poisonous waste which is lethal not to Somalis that were suffering but to this Eastern Region Stretch and it was indeed an escape route for small arms movement to and fro East Africa up to CAR ~The Central African Republic in forests where two wrongs cannot bring one right today UPDF Gallant Soldiers are Pursuing Kony and his men• The other issue was blacks in Land mines every where in South Sudan breaking their legs a good city thousands and thousands miles away in Khartoum driving in scorching to reach for a. Supermarket or a bottle of mineral water in hurts that burn like wild fire no!no ! The rest of other sisters and brothers are in the north also harassed by cult man Kony who was binding up Military Juntas sponsored by Khartoum blacks deserved rest since 1960 up to 2011 “BAGULUBANA” I mean are in savage and yokes suffering bags of cloth on their head children at the backs of crying mothers!!! Are we blacks cursed ? Then President Museveni fights and holes out a state no way can Machar Reikh come and distort people!!! Rule Salva Kir,Blessed UPDF and raise your flags in East Africa President Museveni in control and alutta Continua!!! The point Iam driving at here is issues of East Africa were as hard as a stone and really a hard nut to crack• First and fore most our own brothers in Rwanda today ,General Kagame is your son here what dont you know he grew all his people thrown out of their country and none of these powers could think of views for you Africans simply they are Colonial Powers •Its indeed our selves to sort our matters because from 1954 up to 1994 there was no initiative from those people to resolve their matter•We will not have excitement for these young people who just want and talk about Multi- party but its there for every body but with inner lessons to learn• ••••1•Any way I will not tell you much but I will refer to Al Jazeer programs that were running around November 2013 about French and their Colonies for those interested can go may be could be available at YOU TUBE but it may tell you why President K a g a m e made a choice and his President today and he will tell you he is THINKING BIG employing many Ugandans as he looks at all of you SISTERS and Brothers a no laughing matter to change that state to Sky Crapers taking off the ground•When there matters are Focused Development and not even a dollar or mafranga or shillings will corrupt his soldiers when you have made a mistake that requires corrective action•This is what we need in Africa if we are to change it and to change it we do not have to be abusive and make our leaders as you write look as small boys because of Western Parties• ••••2•The States have come together in East Africa creating a very wide market where all products have a very heavy market and demand but as an Industrial Marketer in U g a n d a alone I found much more companies to sell to or even more wider area to make errands and tender to what ever it takes whether sleeping in Office but to market products•Therefore, there is a wide scope to map out serious business programs in East Africa which absorbed a cool US $14 Billion according to SABC Economic and Business reporter in March 2014 on his television but this are critical issues people should talk in Campaigns not just abusing HE the President•Because if you do not have serious business data just out of Social Media net work campaign you will look like this young man Owobushoborozi nick named just to be open to you•Your and our President has led a very different program transforming a state it seems even we look headed very far• •••3•The President was having his small sticks equivalent to his cows such that every cow that enters the kraal he drops one but if he found one day one stick had remained in his hand then he realized one cow either is stolen,or kicked by bulls or is sick and sent the pastors to search for it|*|The day he dropped the gun after 20 years of war which drove out disjoint Juntas of various regimes he equally realized we lacked investors in these rusty factories from which late former Idi Amin had chased disgruntled investors who already by Obote I had lost 60 percent of their shares to the then governments but also those who tried things were not OK either• It was for him fighting a man with double aged sword convincing those people back fifteen years back was a very difficult situation for President•But endured all the complaints he found in Asian countries and brought these people back to tool up and capitalize on their own•They really put in others had to reconstruct abandoned factories and find markets for their products the likes of Doctor Kigozi inviting and facilitating these people work to put this economy where it is our President not only deserves a vote but also hearty appreciation for those who understand•He is not only on the right track but pushing BIG UPS •••4•U g a n d a to go out of doldrums for some of the Graduates he has appointed to run national duties you must focus and behave in those offices it will be a shame if Government looks out for alternatives because some body opts other wise and cannot perform•I was even thinking of a sieve where an Association like that of Lawyers begin to be functional so as some body t o practice with a Serious code of Ethics and a terminator is on somebody s head but that is up to the policies in future any way• •••5• The questions and answers lie with us U g a n d a n s because when you take a donkey on the well you cannot force it to drink but we equally must have a listening mind•You should there fore note resort to abuses as it does not reflect civility •
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 21:54:54 +0000

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