Few people who follow the Louisiana political scene recognize the - TopicsExpress


Few people who follow the Louisiana political scene recognize the name Norm Clark. I recently wrote a story on the Denham Springs resident, who withdrew Sept. 24 from the race for the Sixth Congressional District seat. In a crowded race he didn’t boast the campaign war chest of Garrett Graves or the name recognition of Edwin Edwards. Clark realized even a chance of a runoff was somewhere between slim and none. Those chances proved far closer to ‘none’, so he threw in the towel. Clark ran on a platform that promoted better treatment of military veterans, particularly by the VA. As vice president of the Baton Rouge Veterans Affairs Association, he continues the fight for those who have preserved our freedom. It’s a shame so many lawmakers either don’t know or simply ignore the plight of veterans. Many veterans suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, which has relegated many of them to a life in poverty, estrangement from their families and suicide. Each passing year, federal lawmakers become further removed from the hardships veterans endure. Attribute that to a generation of lawmakers who never faced possibility of the draft and never gave thought to military service. America needs more people with Clark’s willingness to promote a better treatment of our veterans.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 19:45:18 +0000

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