Few things to clear up - 1) People are lying and saying that - TopicsExpress


Few things to clear up - 1) People are lying and saying that ISIS exclusively fought the Muslims and left the regime unscathed in Syria; Well, if we want to be deaf, dumb and blind to their fighting the Kuffar in Iraq, who are exactly the same as the Kuffar in Syria, then... well... This is a blatant lie in any case, and I personally witnessed the Shuhada of ISIS in Latakia when they were on the FRONT LINES in the Mother of the Believers battle in Latakia, which initially claimed over 8 Alawite towns in Latakia, and was ONLY pushed back due to FSA treachery, after the SNC entered and bought out the FSA groups involved. Other than that, ISIS fought in Menagh airport and liberated it. They also fought in Hama, where they liberated many towns in one large operation. The Khalifa Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi also clearly stated that there were several operations being put into play to destroy the regime before the FSA and unIslamic Front attacked them, killing over 500 members, raping women and stealing their HQs. We witnessed the flags of La illaha illaAllah being replaced with FSA flags, or have you ALL forgotten? 2) The Islamic state has no authority/security on the ground: I say tell that to the thousands of Mujahideen who are all working on the same goal of security and peacekeeping within the Islamic state. The thousands of mujahideen that are ready to be martyred to defend the state. This is security that comes with Iman. Again, the ridiculous idea comes into mind - No security without Khilafah - No khilafah without security. No state with Muslims in it can currently hold off an air barrage from the US or Israel if they were to attack. How do we expect an Islamic state that will be opposed by ALL nations around the world, to suddenly appear with all the required anti-air weaponry to defend itself from the Jews and the US? 3) The announcement will unite all the kuffar against us. WOW? REALLY? NO SH%^ SHERLOCK. You think the Islamic state is going to come, and the kuffar are going to invite the leadership over for a cup of tea and just chillax? They may as well massage our feet while theyre at it. 4) The Islamic state announcing the Khilafah will only cause disunity. No, it wont, only those that want disunity will cause disunity. Those that are not happy with anything except that which their hands have created, and this is a sickness in the heart. A sincere Muslim who wishes to see Islam reign supreme would support the Islamic state, even if its against his own whims. 5) The Islamic state liberates land from the Muslims Yes, and Abu Bakr radiAllahu anhu fought apostates that left the Zakaat, what do you think he would have done to those that controlled land on the earth and didnt establish the Shariah in its fullest?
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 07:37:48 +0000

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