Fifteen questions about the Boston attack. A year ago a - TopicsExpress


Fifteen questions about the Boston attack. A year ago a terrorist attack has rocked Boston by its senseless brutality. And the Chechens were shocked most of all, because the only suspects were reported to be two brothers - natives of Chechnya. During many weeks after, American media never failed to emphasize the Chechen origin of the brothers Tsarnaev, although both were born outside of Chechnya, most of their lives lived in America, were successfully integrated into American society, and the younger was USA citizen. The emphasis on ethnic origin in the news bulletins was more than strange in America - the country of emigrants, where mentioning racial, national and religious roots in police reports had always been regarded as highly unethical. The message to the world was very clear: any Chechen, who has found a second home in the west may suddenly radicalize and start random violence against those who sheltered him a day before. In other words: that day the long-standing dream of Russian president Vladimir Putin - to tie the centuries-old struggle of the Chechen people for their national independence from Russia to international terrorism was fulfilled, preventing thus the Chechen resistance of the least support in the world. However, I am not ready to accept the official version of what happened, unless these questions are answered: 1. Why Russian security services, who had warned in 2011 their American counterparts about ties with Islamic radicals of elder Tsarnaev - Tamerlan - have not only ignored the request for additional information from Americans, but even failed to arrest Tamerlan on his arrival in Moscow next year? 2. Why Islamic radical Tamerlan Tsarnaev, well-informed that Russian security services were after him, questioned the FBI during one year, suddenly decides to fly to Moscow directly into the hands of those who want him? 3. Why Tamerlan, who had previously stated his commitment to the independence of Chechnya and expressed a will to fight in the boxing ring under the American flag as his protest against Russian occupation of Chechnya, just a year later decided to ask for Russian passport? 4. How can the fact be explained that Russia not only had failed to arrest the accused immediately upon his arrival in Moscow, but allowed him to freely enter the Caucasus gripped by Islamic insurgency and to spend a few months there? 5. Where had Tamerlane spent a month between January - when he flew from America to Moscow - and March 2012 - when he finally arrived at his destination - in Dagestan, to the father? 6. How could it turn out, that the Islamic radical Tamerlan, had, at least twice, visited Chechnya and spent a few days in the house of his sister, whose husband is a close to Kadyrov Russian intelligence officer? 7. Where had that simple boxer Tamerlan learnt such deep skills in conspiracy that allowed him, in less than six months after returning from Russia, with only support of a teenage brother, to carry out a very complicated double explosion under the very gaze of American intelligence agents? 8. With what money could live, travel, buy an expensive Mercedes and dress himself in boutiques an unemployed young man from a poor family (the father of Tamerlan had acknowledged not to have means even to purchase a return ticket to the US to attend the funeral of his son)? 9. How could Tamerlan and Johar Tsarnaev be Islamic fundamentalists if, according to numerous statements of their parents, uncles and colleagues, they had no any religious education? How could such a radicalization occur in their heads, where, just a year before, Money and Career - according to the record of Johar Tsarnaeva on Facebook - reigned? What Islamists they were, not attending, regularly, even the only local mosque? 10. How to explain the fact that, before he was shot dead, Tamerlane called his mother and told her that he was let down? Why the same posted on Facebook his younger brother Johar, hiding, wounded in the boat? Why their mother and father talk of the same thing? What exactly do all this mean: by who were the brothers let down? 11. How to explain the fact that Vladimir Putin has offered russian help to U.S. intelligence before it became officially known of the involvement of former citizens of Russia in the act? 12. Where has disappeared a Muslim proselyte and ethnic Armenian, named Misha introduced to Tamerlan by his own mother a year and a nalf ago, who was frequent visitor in their house? Why in the mosque, where he, reportedly, belonged, nobody knows of his whereabouts? 13. How to understand the killers Tsarnaev, declare to the taxi driver that they blew the marathon and then - let him live? Why, exploding bombs in the name of religion and disposing, according to the police mercilessly hunting them, numerous arms arsenal, they showed a surprising humanity afterwards? In all logic, have realized that they cannot get away, they should have started indiscriminate killings of infidels around or, at least, taken hostages, and put forward, conditions, typical in such situations. 14. How can we explain the fact that Tsarnaev Tamerlan, who - safe and sound, had walked in handcuff to a police car (fully naked - because of FBI fears of the belt of shahid), was, later reported killed in a fierce firefight? How his younger brother - Johar - was severely wounded by two bullets in the throat when he is seen - disarmed - to get off the boat to give himself to police in the surveillance video? Why suspects were turned into proven terrorists before any trial? Why had media and the public so easily forgotten the holy of the holiest of any justice - the presumption of Innocence - and had complied with a manhunt in broad daylight down the streets of a big American city? 15. Why, this radicalized Chechen chose not to attack Russia, with which his people have been fighting for their independence for over 200 years, and because of which his family became refugies? Why had he attacked America - a country that has always had looked at Chechens with sympathy - which is the main opponent of Russia in the world and, therefore, is a natural ally of the Chechen Resistance? How and when has this inexplicable transformation taken place in his brain, the one, that pushed him to action, most damaging to the Chechen people and extremely profitable only to one side - to russian president Vladimir Putin? For the sake of clarity of the picture, it is important also to pay attention to the following facts and coincidences: - The deterioration in relations between America and Putins Russia in recent years (which is already widely baptized as second Cold War), reached its peak after the signing, at the beginning of this year, Act of Magnitsky by President Barack Obama. This is a penal list of direct perpetrators of the death in a russian prison of a lawyer Mr. Magnitsky, as well as the most notorious persecutors of human rights in Russia. In addition to the official list containing 18 names, there is one called internal, where, among others, figures the head of the puppet administration in Chechnya and Putins loyal vassal - Ramzan Kadyrov. Between this news that was followed by lengthy anti-American tirade by Kadyrov, and the attack in Boston only a week passed. - President Putin has long and unsuccessfully tried to convince the West of the Islamist nature of the Chechen Resistance (for example, his statement made shortly after the 11.09.2001 terrorist attacks in New York, about the discovery in a Chechen Resistance hideout of a CD with instructions for flying Boeing) ... Now, thanks to the terrorist attack in Boston, the world is convinced once and for all, and Putin will not have to expose himself an such a ridiculous light. - The biggest headache for Putins Olympic Games in 2014 in Sochi, for the theater of resistance in the Caucasus, growing every year, was only one hundred kilometers from this resort on the Black Sea. Now, thanks to the terrorist attack in Boston, Putin will be able to count on the closest cooperation with security forces of the Western partners against Chechen rebels, and not only during the Olympics. - Continuing, to Europe and America, exodus of the opponents of russian occupation in Chechnya, concern Putin particularly. During last several years, the ranks of the rebels in the Caucasus began to be filled by young Chechens volunteers, who hold passports of different countries of Europe. Putin has made a lot of efforts on the repatriation of the European Chechens, but there are not many, who want to go under an occupation, where 80% of the population does not have a permanent job. To the requests by Russian State Prosecutors Office on extradition of the Chechen Resistance veterans, Europe used to answer mostly negatively. Now, thanks to the terrorist attack in Boston, intelligence agencies in Europe and America will themselves invite Russian colleagues to collaborate on persecution of Chechens and there hardly will be any denial in hand off Chechens. - And finally: Vladimir Putin is very sensitive to the Chechen issue and wants to solve it forever, to stop uncomfortable for him questions about the three building attacks with thousands of victims, carried out in Moscow and Volgodonsk and one more, prevented owing to public vigilance in Ryazan 1999. The ones that allowed him to commit aggression in Chechnya, and then, on the winners laurels, to secure himself a life-term presidency. The ones, after which Putin canceled self rule of the regions, abolishing the federal principle and, in fact, turning the country into an autocratic regime. The ones about which spoke: poisoned in London with polonium former Russian FSB Colonel Mr. Litvinenko, shot dead in her stairwell Mme Politkovskaya, murdered in Chechnya human rights activist Mme Astemirova, strangled in England in his house politician Mr. Berezovsky ... Now, thanks to the terrorist attack in Boston, this Sword of Damocles will stop hanging over his head, and himself Putin - the tyrant and the cold-blooded murderer; the war criminal, who has drown the free Democratic Chechnya in blood, turning it into madhouse - Russian Chechnya of Kadyrov - will turn, in the eyes of the West, into a winner in the Chechen cell of Al-Qaeda and a useful ally in the global war against Islamic fundamentalism. Heres what someone would like from the Boston tragedy. As to me, I want to believe that the world has not gone that crazy.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 03:12:04 +0000

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