Fight Your Battles on Your Knees. Matthew - TopicsExpress


Fight Your Battles on Your Knees. Matthew 26:36-40. Introduction: Some struggles are external—such as your finances or job. Others take place within you. Internal enemies like anger, un-forgiveness, or insecurity can hinder your walk with God. How can you find victory? Fight your battles on your knees, and you will win every time. What does it mean to fight our battles on our knees? Simply this—that you and I lay our petitions before the Lord. We must spend time in His presence, listening for His answer. I first learned this lesson as an associate minister at First Baptist. The church was considering me for head pastor, but many people were opposed to the idea. Only by giving the problem to God in prayer was I able to experience victory in that difficult situation. Why should we fight our battles on our knees? A. It is the biblical pattern. Throughout Scripture, we see Gods servants falling on their faces before the Lord. B. When we turn to the Lord, we are no longer battling on our own. No one can help you more than the Sovereign of the universe (Ps. 103:19). He acts on behalf of those who trust in Him (Isa. 40:31). C. Prayer connects us with the Holy Spirit and His power. If you have trusted Christ as your personal Saviour, the Holy Spirit dwells within you. We can accomplish nothing for God apart from the Spirits power. What can you expect if you fight your battles on your knees? A. Comfort and assurance B. Encouragement C. A new focus: The Enemy wants us to dwell on our problems—how we can defend ourselves or get revenge. Victory, however, is found in turning our eyes to God. He operates on behalf of those who are willing to trust and obey Him (Isa. 40:31). D. Supernatural peace: Believers who turn their struggles over to the Lord have peace even when circumstances dont change (Phil. 4:6-7). How can you fight your battles on your knees? A. Set aside time to be alone with God. Find a quiet place and devote yourself to the One most capable of helping you. B. Listen quietly. The Lord desires to have an intimate relationship with each one of His children. But you will never know Him better unless you take the time to listen for His voice. C. Expect Him to bring up other issues in your life. He may want you to deal with rebellion, un-forgiveness, or bitterness in your heart. Until you repent and surrender to the Lord, sin will keep you from experiencing Gods best and enjoying a close relationship with Him. D. Remember that in a battle, there can only be one general. Freely express your desires, but dont expect God to take orders from you. As you surrender to His guidance, He will engage His supernatural power on your behalf. E. Know that battles are Gods tools. Some put their trust in themselves and pursue relationships, accomplishments, or possessions instead of a relationship with the Father. 1. The Lord has taught me to see all adversity as allowed by Him. This truth will protect you from bitterness towards those who wrong you. Romans 8:28 says, We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose (emphasis added). 2. In a battle, you and I may lose money, pride, or control over a situation. But if the struggle brings us to the point of total surrender to the Lord, we will always win spiritually. Conclusion: What are you battling today? Does it seem as if God doesnt see your pain or understand your heartache? Let me assure you He knows exactly what you are going through. Sit in the Lords presence today, and offer this prayer: Lord, I dont want anything in my life that displeases You. Take my bitterness, resentment, and anger. I give You this battle, and trust that You will turn it for my good in Your way and in Your timing. Release your problems to almighty God, and you will find victory.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 19:27:01 +0000

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