Fight for the truth with Judicial Watch Dear Friend: Im - TopicsExpress


Fight for the truth with Judicial Watch Dear Friend: Im writing to you because your support is important to our success in fighting government secrecy, public corruption, and the brazen lawlessness of this Obama administration. Today, we are confronted with so many new challenges that I am writing to ask you to make your most generous tax-deductible contribution to Judicial Watch right now. I am asking for your help now because the pace of our work and calls for help we get from around the country continue at a record pace. And I would not want to turn away critically important corruption, open government and illegal immigration cases because of limited resources. The reality is that we must raise $1.833 million just this month to keep all our work on track as we pursue lawsuits and investigations including: • Combating voter fraud by suing states that ignore election law and supporting states that enact commonsense voter ID measures We recently won a huge victory when we reached a settlement with the State of Ohio to vastly improve their voter roll cleaning practices; We also continue to litigate against Indiana election officials who are placing clean elections at risk by failing to take reasonable steps to make sure voting rolls are accurate. • Uncovering the facts behind the September 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya that resulted in the deaths of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and three other U.S. personnel. Were pressing forward with our lawsuits against the Obama State Department to get to the truth of this cover-up that was clearly designed to politically protect President Obama and his then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton); and • Investigating and suing to get to the truth behind the Obama IRS campaign to target and suppress conservative groups. Our leadership and our success in forcing the release of government documents that the Obama gang wants to keep from the American people are fact, we often uncover documents that Congress had been unable to get! On the illegal immigration front, were coming off our big win last year with a lower court ruling that stopped, at least temporarily, a key sanctuary police policy in Los Angeles. We continue to fight other state and local sanctuary policies that violate federal immigration law. Were also fighting to force the release of more documents about Obama administration efforts to bypass Congress and grant amnesty for millions of illegal aliens through executive actions. So, even as we lead the charge in fighting for honest elections and against the secrecy of the Obama administration, were stepping up our pace of legal efforts to promote enforcement of our federal laws against illegal immigration! And as we see Republican leaders fail to demand accountability from the arrogant Obama administration over issues like the Benghazi cover-up and the IRS abuse scandal - while at the same time debate caving in to the Left on amnesty legislation for illegal aliens - its clear that Judicial Watch is the one institution in Washington that Americans can rely on to stand firm for the rule of law and the truth! Thats why Im so hopeful youll make your most generous gift to Judicial Watch now. Your support will allow us to investigate corruption, inspect critical files and documents, research and file historic lawsuits. It is a tribute to Judicial Watchs hard work and reputation that our work is so much in demand now, but we simply cannot meet these challenges without support from friends like you. Judicial Watch is taking on an increasing number of leadership roles here in Washington and throughout the country. We are conservative, we are independent, we are not beholden to political parties...and we are fighting for you, the rule of law and the truth. We can meet all these challenges - if you will stand with us today! Thank you for your most generous support of Judicial Watch. Sincerely, Tom Fitton President P.S. Im hopeful we can reach our budget goals this month, but the demands of our work are increasing. Thats why Im asking you make your most generous contribution right now!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 21:50:56 +0000

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