Fighters Strength & Conditioning: Warriors, change is coming. - TopicsExpress


Fighters Strength & Conditioning: Warriors, change is coming. For a while a lot of you have been talking about upping your game and a few of you have begun competitions / plan to soon. Warrior Muay Thai has given you all the tools to make that happen. The one aspect that has perhaps been neglected, is the strength and conditioning aspect for competitors. Now as a few athletes (e.g. Amin) can attest, having a good S&C (Strength & Conditioning) program is one part of being a successful fighter, especially in a sport where competitions are dictated by weight classes. While most of you are fine because the training up to the fight gives you the conditioning / gas to get through the fight, ALL of you can benefit from having an individual, customised, scientifically sound S&C program applied to you leading up to your competitions. As you all know, I have quite a breadth of experience in this field and its time to take you guys to that next level. Here is an opportunity for you guys: Who: You, and two other warriors. What: I am taking on 3 athletes who are interested in getting stronger, faster, more agile, and essentially bring up their conditioning for competitions. Each athlete will have his own training program and sessions with me to improve their game. Duration: Your training camp will be 4 weeks (1 month) - 8 weeks (2 months) in duration. You will train (S&C) on a scheduled, regular basis as your program dictates. Cost: Free. Usually youd be paying hundreds (and more realistically, thousands) of dollars for something like this where a qualified and experienced coach takes you on as a client, but this is a trial we are running at warrior so you get 2 months of free S&C coaching! All you have to do to remain in the program is follow it. Further Details: Each training session will be 30min - 1 hr long, depending on the purpose of each session. You will get general nutrition guidelines with this as well, which will become more specific as the weeks progress. Your progress will be tracked, photographed, and saved for the record. You may or may not be on youtube, facebook, twitter, etc. (Social Media), so try not to be too shy about it. People want to be inspired by someone like you who takes the plunge, so enjoy that privilege of inspiring others by your example. Now here are the important requirements you must meet: 1. Be a current / aspiring competitive athlete. The goal is to prepare you for competition. You can either do this S&C Camp before an event, or go through this camp just to see what it can do for you. If you chose the second path, just be aware you need to still be an athlete who competes or is GOING to compete within the next year. 2. Must be 13 years old, or older. 3. Be able to take direction and follow a plan. 4. TTC it to another gym with a few specialized equipment near scarborough town centre (We wont use this gym too often, but it has a lot of things that you will benefit from in terms of S&C. It is a weight room type of place. Membership not required, but might need to get passes when you go.) How do you sign up: 1. Send me a pm on facebook (here) with the subject Application - S&C Camp. In your message, give me your full name, contact number, email address, and reason you should be included in this camp. 2. Message me as per the requirement above by September 26, 2014. Yes, that means 2 weeks from today, (or if I find my 3 athletes), registration closes. Final Notes: At the risk of sounding like a typical coach, this is a great opportunity for you guys. 95% of you warriors are not at the strength and power levels you should be in a fight, given your weight class. The only cost for you with this opportunity: the occasional gym pass (very cheap), ttc ticket (if u take the bus), and your time. Thats it. Check out some other S&C coaches and youll see how much money you pay just per session (I know because I usually charge those rates too). If you are a competitive athlete and want to improve, sign up. If anyone has any questions, ask me on facebook or at kabirperformance@gmail
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 12:37:11 +0000

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