Fighting Back: Episode 1 Hester Douglas Tobechuckwu looked down - TopicsExpress


Fighting Back: Episode 1 Hester Douglas Tobechuckwu looked down the second compartment of the stairs wearily. She paused momentarily and then taking each step gracefully, she alighted the stairs. She entered the exquisite sitting room, impeccably designed and furnished, also depicting the status of its owner. Good evening Dad. Whats popping Beauty? Douglas Tobechukwu winked at her. He was seated in his favorite sofa, he set his IPad on a side table. Dad … She drawled sweetly, I wonder what your younger days were like, Im sure you must have ignited many hearts and took to your heels. He chuckled. Youre right dearest! It did earn me the love of a one time beauty queen of the Universe. He head for the bar. You know dear, it is not easy then as it is now for you to marry a beauty queen. She nodded and watched as her Dad brought out two wine glass cups. You wouldnt mind chilling with me? He poured the wine. I dont mind chilling with you but I do mind the wine. Oh …Agatha wouldnt have. He shrugged, I shouldnt forget that since that is one of the peculiarities of my Beauty. He settled across her. How is my countrys bank ? She sat back still retaining her smile. Doing excellently well. He grinned before sipping his wine. That can be attributed to the guy in charge giving it his best shots. Hester beamed. You can say that again and again and again! He smiled warmly. You shouldnt have missed that party Hester, I actually believed I had succeeded in convincing you until the last minute. I met old friends, dignitaries and it would have been same for you. It was the best have attended in a long time. Douglas place the glass on the side table. All you need do is to ask your sis, I am sure she wont stop talking. We all had fun darl. Daddy, there are somethings that dont matter to me, She met her fathers gaze,Probably for now because I dont need them. Her voice was serene but emphatic. All my friends who have met you couldnt help but spread words …they all wanted to meet the central bank governors younger daughter. I would have loved to show you off and dance with you for a change. He feigned sadness. Its Okay Dad. There was a sparkle in her eyes. I wanted to talk time you last night but when we came back, you were asleep. Did you get my gift? She nodded in reply. He searched her expression. Im certain youve not opened it, it contains a bouquet of flowers, balloons and your favorite chocolate. You never forget my childhood trend that is always in vogue with me. Her smile was broad displaying her set of white teeth. Thank you daddy. Youre so welcome Beauty. He took a sip. Some people are supposed to taking turns treating you like the Princess youre. What do you mean? She narrowed her brows. Male friend, male friends. Aww! She chuckled. Male friend, male friends, singular and plural? Daddy! She chided before laughing. Pardon me dear. He rubbed his forehead with his left fingers. But you know you can have them. Never changing Dad, how hilarious! I do have a good mind of dropping on my Knees and laughing long and hard. Her smile returned. When I left the shores of Nigeria, we never had this line of conversation but now I am back after so many years, all grown, he tells me I can have a male friend. I do have friends Dad, you should have visited me in Hollywood. You can also have friends here cause your beauty radiates. Yeah right Dad! I understand that perfectly but no …dont start. She waved her right index finger with a grim. Hmmmm … He was thoughtful for a while. I remember the day you tagged as the highest joke day . I said -Darling hold on and listen to this and you were like - Daddy dont start again Okay? He tried to micmick her demonstrating too. She beamed remembering. Then I dropped a bit of this and that, you chuckled. When I finally dropped the joke like its hot, you laughed long and hard. Your mum came in and asked you to Stop but you continued like she was the object of your amusement. Oh honey, I have told you to stop this your endless jokes, what have you told her now? Oh my God! Hester would you stop laughing and listen to me … I cant believe this. She panicked as tears filled your eyes and came rolling down. Stop this very minute! She gave her me her - if look can kill gaze. I still shudder when I remember her gaze Hester laugh more at his gestures He continued. your sides will ache badly if you dont stop. Why are you staring at me like you dont know youve done! call the doctor. What do I tell him I asked afraid. Keep asking me, keep asking me! Hester if you dont Stop laughing, I will spank you! She did just that and I try to refrain her. Eventually you started crying and laughing. Your mum pulled you to your feet and then you slumped, the laughter ending too. I carried you and you said - Oh, my sides are aching me, my head hurt …Oh my body!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 08:10:22 +0000

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