Fighting Back: Episode 27 You woudnt believe how it all went? He - TopicsExpress


Fighting Back: Episode 27 You woudnt believe how it all went? He closed the door behind him. Hello every... The package he was holding slip off his hand ḁ̊η∂ shattered into a million pieces. In utter shock, his palm came over his mouth, his gaze was fixed. Strength completely left him as he slumped down on his knees, his silent tears flowed. Osagie... It barely escape his throat, tears sting his eyes. Right on his kneels, he approached what was before him hoping that by the time he got beside him, this obvious reality might become his worst imagination. Osagie, what happened? Ethel muttered as he reached out aη∂ touched the face that was now.deathly cold. Lord almighty! He exclaimed.ohh...? He exhaled a̶̲̥̅̊η∂ sobbed “ohh my brother, ℓ̊ thought was going to die before you... His tears flowed. What happen to our simultaneous dreams, what happens to the wedding we intend to have on same day...? His eyes closed in agony. Is this the meaning of this...lord, is this...? My osagie is are gone...ha! He wept as he bent over his body. His whole body shook. And then, He head shot up as he suddenly remembered. Hester! He called. He stood a̶̲̥̅̊η∂ took three strides forward then realisation dawn on him, he turned back to look at his best friend that was never to be like before again. He noticed his proper body positioning, hs eyes were closed, his hand were placed well, the shawl ...the shawl to prevent him from lying in his own pool of blood. Hester?.He was on his feet, he swirled a̶̲̥̅̊η∂ practically ran into her room. He noticed the difference from the last time he entered, then he saw the note which was now softened a̶̲̥̅̊η∂ faint. He got the message though short a̶̲̥̅̊η∂ simple, hook, line a̶̲̥̅̊η∂ sinker. He brought his mobile phone as he got brainstormed a̶̲̥̅̊η∂ dialled a number. C E O, G a̶̲̥̅̊η∂ C helicopters, who am ℓ̊ on to? Hi pal, its Ethelbert Franklin. Hey dΦn, whats up? He was going to avoid a messy publicity of his bf death as much as he could. When he was done with calls, he retrieved the cartridge of the camera in the sitting room. Hester stared out of the window of the speedily moving vehicle. It passed through the cars, people, places, building, forests, vegetations, a̶̲̥̅̊η∂ so on but she didnt see them. Her mind was was still a shock to her that her bright yesterday turned out to be a black day. It was still a shock to her that she was under the captivity of her most dreaded admirer. Ohh ethelbert...howmust he be feeling now? Dear lord...did ℓ̊ do anything that disqualifies me from being in your will? She sneezed. Her eyes closed and she drifted. They had made it a 2days journey as their boss had instructed to breach some level of security. **** Precious typed on the system a̶̲̥̅̊η∂ concentrated with a frown creeping into his countenance. Sir, its tight. Ethelbert buried his face in his palm momentarily. Then he looked up, aη∂ glanced at the building that was on display on all the computer system in his control room. Guys, listen up. Ethel eventually spoke up. They all looked at him. He was seated in their midst, he was more calm than ever before aη∂ his countenance was blank. ℓ̊ dont believe that building with its contituent ḁ̊η∂ classic construction just have an exit. He looked at one of his men who was nearest to the projector. Kalu,project the building. He got to his feet immediately a̶̲̥̅̊η∂ set to work. Ethel stood a̶̲̥̅̊η∂ took slow strides to the large screen. Lets forget the whole of the elephant a̶̲̥̅̊η∂ go for its parts. He worked via the electronic mouse, some circular notation appeared on some of the building part. This is A B C... to J, based on your sitting arrangement a part belongs to you. Dig it all out, wevery got five minutes. Precious work on the major aη∂ minor roads. Kalu, security,and all the possibilities... He began instructing. Typings began. Supporting himself with his arms, he lowered himself to a chair and sipped water. His eyes not leaving the screen of Precious. Precious is that a major or minor? Minor Sir. Sir? His personal assistant called. Ethel looked in his direction. I have found an indication of an entrance, I have tried all access, it has been denied. Ethel wheeled his chair close. :That is part D right? Yes Sir. Zoom it. He did that. They both looked at it closely but Ethels brows creased thoughtfully. It is a standardized symbol and I cant fathom its meaning. Wale said. I have seen that before. He narrowed his brows and reached for the keyboard, minimized what was on the screen, did few typing and click and four similar symbols to the earlier. Ethel smiled. Sir, they are almost the same. He observed and looked at him with trust . Wale, that is an underground. It is coded, get me my laptop, we will find a way around this. Yes Sir. He stood and hurried out. Ethel stood and sat on the seat Wale vacated.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 11:52:09 +0000

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