Fighting for 100 item quiz! Yeah yakang-yaka ni oy. Diba BB - TopicsExpress


Fighting for 100 item quiz! Yeah yakang-yaka ni oy. Diba BB Love? Hongkong- located in south east china sea, Fragrant harbor- english word of hongkong Hongkong dollar- currency Cantonese- language Schezen- major subdivision in hongkong. Macau •Cambodia *buddhism- religious beliefs *people of cambodia- khmer, khmer language, mon-khmer language family Phnom penh- capital of cambodia •Taboo in cambodia 1. Never touch a cambodian person head, even children 2. Never raise your feet higher than someones head 3. Do not use left hand to touch, eat, or hand someone something. •currency of cambodia *KHR Political Subdivision. Laos, thailand, vietnam. Constitutional monarchy- goverment Kamupuchea Wat- temple •leading cities *hindun temple -became buddhist temple -largest monument in the world. Independence monument- symbolizes their independence in france in 1953 Neak pean- artificial island withthe buddhist temple Tuol sleng- famouse museum, use to high school compound *Malaysia Form government- constitutional monarchy Capital- kuala lumpur Currency- malaysian dollar/ringgit Political subd. •thailand,brunei, singapore,indonesia Food/drink 1. Laksa 2. Nasi lamak Mutual recognition arrangement Tm (MRATM) -open boarders -dont working permit -just need visa, passport, NCII holder *Barcelona Parliamentary monarchy -second largest city *Catalonia -first largest city Political subd. -morroco,portugal,france,gibraltar,andorra Currency- euro *Italy Unitary parliamentary republic Capital- rome Currency- •lira (before) •euro (current) Political subd. France, austria, switzerland, slovenia Vatican city- center of catholic *Prague Parliamentary democracy -largest and capital city of Czech Republic. - most visited city in europe People -very calm and laid black -dont like hassle Currency- koruna (crown) CZK Political subd. -germany -austria -slovakia -poland Beijing China Socialist republic -jin city in western zhoo Currency- yuan Political sub. -russia -india -kazakhstan -mongolia -myanmar -afghanistan -vietnam -laos -krgrystan -nepal -tajikistan -north korea -bhutan -pakistan *New Zealand Constitutional mornarchy Capital- wellington Maori culture- kinshipn link &land Queenstown, new zealand -fit for a queen (victoria) Currency- NZD Political subd. -tasman district -nelson -marlborough -west coast -canterburry -chantam islands -ortago -southland *Egypt Provisional government Capital- cairo -modern standard arabic National symbol- pyramid of giza great sphinx Traditional food- foul Currency- EGP Political subd. -syria -israel -jordan -jeddah -amman South korea Currency- won Capital- seoul
Posted on: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 09:38:04 +0000

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