Figured I better hop on here and offer an update to everyone since - TopicsExpress


Figured I better hop on here and offer an update to everyone since people have been calling, texting, and messaging trying to make sure I am okay. I appreciate that more than you all know. I have had severe pain radiating through my head and neck into my shoulders all week and I originally went to the doctor thinking I may have had an ear infection. They checked things out and told me my ears were fine and told me to go to the ER since they did not have CT scans and could not determine cause since I dont have a history of migraines. At the ER they did a lot of stroke screeners and looked over my MRI and CTs from back in May when I got in the accident with my horse and ended up with the concussion. The nursing staff hooked me up to IV and gave me a bunch of medication which did provide some relief. The doctor came in and informed me he has some concerns and wants me to go see the neurologist to see what might be going on. I got released from the ER yesterday and was pretty much out of commission from the meds they gave me so came home and promptly fell asleep so never had a chance to respond to anyone...sorry for scaring anyone! I am taking a day off bed rest style today to see if that helps as I am still in quite a bit of pain. Big love goes out to my hubby for getting up early and doing all the farm chores today as I cant hardly move. I also want to express appreciation to my supervisor and my staff at the office holding down the fort yesterday and is bad enough being out sick but worse when you have to worry about things running smoothly...something I dont need to concern myself with because I know they got it truly are my dream team! Last but not least thanks to my family and friends for caring and offering support...I will keep you posted as things develop and appreciate prayers in the meantime...lets pray this turns into nothing concerning...
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 13:50:43 +0000

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