Figured it is just as well to share majority of my speech for all - TopicsExpress


Figured it is just as well to share majority of my speech for all that werent present because these people and this town deserve the recognition !!! Some of it is point form so decipher what you can. :) Parents ...who taught me to judge people by the amount character and humility they possess ...not their amount of possessions and influence! ! My sister Tracy...whos for her staunch maturity, intelligence and structured personality which I mistakenly thought I had to neutralize by extra years of immaturity, belligerence, and quite honestly exuberant idolness! In seriousness, I could never proberly express the extent to which tracy n Jamie Have been the most supportive and comforting beacons for me thru many hard years. Theyve endured with me and I love them infinitely for their love and sacrifices! Joe and Hilda. ..have made me feel like their own from the first day my devilish grin graced their porch! However, I dont feel any supremacy for such affection because any of you who are fortunate enough to know them realize they are uniquely special people who love any and all without parameters or conditions. Unlike a lot of fellas I know who whimper uncontrollably when news hits that the in-laws are coming for a prolonged visit! I...on the other hand....claw at the front window inconsolably when mine are leaving! NORMA AND KIDS Not sharing this part for my Facebook friends emotional stability!! ;) ------------------------------------------------ 30+ years ago it wouldnt have been logical to fathom that Id be standing in front of you all receiving such an honor tonight! I didnt grow up in a soccer family. ..not even a sporting or active type family. .. But I did grow up with passionate and determined family! My first memory of life was breaking my arm just before i turned 3 jumping off deck on Laurentians club...for no reason but because it there...and I challenged myself to do it. Second memory. .the look of pure terror on my mothers face when she caught me soaking off my cast a few days later! She had that look like shes thinking... Merciful Jesus. .this is going to be an interesting but worrisome project I got goin on here!! SO I Learned early i had HEART and FEARLESSNESS Realize had no fear and pain threshold early on...where to direct it STORIES and LEGEND of Laurentians and how they were respected and idolized made me wanna be apart of something that special!! All I had to do was work like a demon for a few years THATS JUST WHAT I DONE Salt cove Brooke...for years I would be in the frontyard til fainted 50 50 with concrete. . Created my own rules when any suicidal combatants dared to grass my lawn in Salt Cove Brook.... I properly named it NO BLOOD.... NO FOUL!!!! INDUCTEES Mike howlett. .tell about text conversation. .no blood no foul Played with Mike since first kicked a ball - One of the most talented players Ive not only played with but have ever seen in all my years playing throughout Canada! -Gifted with raw athletic talent and freakish power..hes a player Id play to watch Norbert Doyle. ..wingback protege. ..skill calmness heart. .great friend. .Mom would let me go anywhere I usually wouldnt be allowed... as long as with Norbert! Then we had 3 talented wingbacks. Norbert being the gentleman and friend he is. ...loved me and Scott so much he packed up moved away to extinguish the Juniors conundrum! !!!! Darrin Dunphy. ..HEART..Intimidating. ..fearless to the degree that institutionalization wouldnt have shocked me at times! :) Underrated soccer IQ. The man whos legendary tackles and reputation made many strikers develop mysterious injuries before a matchup with Bubba!!! He once was kind enough to teach me the art of snapping a leg ...And....the bonus lesson of how to make it look accidental...hahaha Toughest and yet most stress free mad men Ive ever encountered! Some would jump in front of gun..hed grab to barrel Judy Pittman. ..St. Lawrence owns her much gratitude for her years of volunteer work on so many levels!! Member of MY LADIES (also Carm, Marg Slaney, Betty Bishop, Madeline Murray,etc) who were at nearly every nationals washing our wretched stinking jerseys and even blood strained spandex and cheer insanely game in game out. .sometimes even room check and floor security. .ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P { padding:0px; } .ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage { font-size:12pt; font-family:Calibri; } Folklore...legends telling stories..Jr..Leo...Roger Slaney...Herb Slaney...Neil Tarrant...Pat brake..Frank...Wils..Hubert...Jim Loder...Keith Farrell in high school..etc. These stories made me want to be a Laurentian player and have similar experiences myself. AL SLANEY midterm stories at rec center. I ADORE that man Competition....Lawn, Burin, , MP, Fieldians..especially Cross....our organizations historic rivals. our red and gold opponents were also gifted with a love and heritage in soccer ...they also have too many legendary players to name. Theyre winners, and mostly classy men as well who equally cherish our long rivalry and respect us in the same light. FACTORS OF OUR SUCCESS Pride in our heritage ...universal aura of Laurentians. . LEADERSHIP...which we had a ton from all ages...Bob, Harry, Paul, Scott, Nobert Derek myself, Darin, Ozzy, Stanford..and later..Ryan Rudy, Marc Clinton Paul Adam and John WE...FAMILY/BROTHERHOOD one cared who scored as long as we won..... We relished and envisioned trophies and titles for the CLUB ...much more than PERSONAL GRATIFICATION! DIDNT CARE FOR ALL STARS...APPRECIATED. .BUT NOT NECESSARY EFFORT....werent always most talented team..but we were willing to push ourselves farther than any other team was willing too a lot of years...but also PLAYED HARD on occasion...myself and Bob Spearns had constant early morning meetings with Connie and Sue out for their morning walks while we were crawling home! Thank all our volunteers and fundraisers Especially LYLE DRAKE and PAT BRAKE Greatest experiences - 99...Marystown 99 challenge cup comeback. .MADE US... 1999 challenge cup final comeback...It was first time we faced adversity in a final. Never been really tested in a final until then! At halftime we were a man down,goal down to our fierce rivals on their home pitch and came back to win 2-1. We went on to win Bronze at Nationals in Chilliwack BC.! I dont believe we would have accomplished anything close to what we did had we have not came back to win that game in Marystown!! Gave us an inner belief and national medal a month later stoked that even farther and inspired us to work even harder and aim for more!! Winning the first National Challenge Cup medal for St. Lawrence since the 70s was a very proud moment first medal since 70s..first win over top 4 province..WANTED MORE..JUST WHAT WE NEEDED!! -07 Halifax.. One of most talented teams I ever played with! Great aspirations and expectations. ..lost first game 3-1 to Callies. ..lost one of best players Adam Loder first half first game. .. Back sipping a beer thinking. .WHAT AN EMBARRASSMENT. ..POOR FANS....WILL TEAM DISMANTLE OFF SEASON. ..IM TOO BEAT UP AND OLD FOR THIS BULLSHIT! LOL Got news. .REPLAY...Beer dropped on floor and was like someone snippered me with confidence and elation for players coach fans. Beat NB early the next day...they had tied Callies day before. Ricky K and Mike Howlett were like Gretzky kurri....RICE N MONTANA or GENE WILDER AND RICHARD PRYOR for me!! That night played Que in replay that evening and beat them as well .HOWLETT had free shot..I always stood behind the wall to charge the goal for a rebound. Mikes shot hit the wall..wall scattered..ball went straight back to him and I was only thing in the way!! To avoid getting hit and stopping a goal I done a reverse dive and plated myself as flat and horizontal inside the 18 as possible!!! Mike thumped it and it grazed my nose and left a friction burn on its way to the back of the ol onion bag! Beat Pei the next day and NS in Bronze - 2002...the most haunting disappointment is 02 Nats...explain incredible week and nightmare ending...we felt let down fans, retiring teammates and 70 idols TEAMMATES Minor soccer teammates....Brian Clarke, Scott Rennie, Rodney John, Dale, Rudy Kelly, Jason Slaney, Kent Slaney, Troy Beck First dynasty....eddy, Gerard, Greg, Norbert, Bob, Scott, Nipper, Ozzy, Manager, Harry, Keith, Alec, Richard, Beaker, Muckrat, Caines, Andrew, Rudy clit Second dynasty. . Paul Slaney, John D marc pittman,....... Adam Loder, Ryan slaney, Brent kelly Darren pike Mike Douglas Sean Edwards Ton of heart and talent A few teammate stories Alec...put the combativeness in competitive! Legendary heart, strength and defined DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO WIN.e hospital or suspension if such was necessary. UNRATED talent-wise.. not as respected for his unique n near undefendable style and talent due to aggressiveness... One of closest friends The B....Scott Bishop. IQ. ..calmass and skill on the ball .....played best when game on the line ....nice enough to get hurt 4-6 weeks a summer so i had a chance to learn how to play. Then we had 3 talented wingbacks. Norbert being the gentleman and friend he is. ...loved me and Scott so much he packed up moved away to extinguish the Juniors conundrum! !!!! NIPPER....amazing finisher....In 1991...won league MVP eventhough we werent the strongest team...we had 25 goals all season..he had 17 himself! Sprinting halftime for smoke HARRY..I tell whoever will listen..WITHOUT HARRY INFLUENCE,I DOUBT WE WOULD HAVE ACCOMPLISHED HALF OF WHAT WE DID!!!! Could do it all...excel in any position and any role he was asked to perform. His work ethic and unparalleled willingness to sacrifice himself physically was above and beyond anything I ever witnessed! Most importantly. was contagious and spread throughout the rest of us! When you seen a fella do that day in day out for years on one good made the rest of us realize we had to do our best to match his heart and intensity! ! Of all the greats I had the fortune to play alongside. one player was more pivotal and responsible for the amazing run our team had for nearly two decades! Personally, I think he is one of the most iconic Laurentians and is the epitome of everything a Laurentian should be! Skipper bows for Harry! Amazing Keepers Keith Jackman John D Brian Stanford PAT Byrne Manager...didnt totally appreciate how essential his immense talent was to our success and for wingbacks especially until 2003....Missed him MAJOR when left midfield...overlapping after Paul left midfield didnt work as before!!! no ball to feet. .dont get ball...turnover. .cause goal ..Doctor Paul Slaney may have been pretty to watch..but you have no idea how better he made everyone around him!! Andrew Perrott. ..heart...I broke his leg when I was dating Astrid...Jack wasnt impressed. He was responsible for half my blindsided hits I received because he wanted EVERY matter if had to eliminate a opponent or a teammate to do so! Played NO POSITION really..because he would often just follow the ball Heart so big heart like Harry that it bordered on dangerous to their own health!... Gerard Quirke...heart skill. .unwavering attitude, indomitable spirit! Loves and misses my buddy ..Greggie Quirke..can games teammate .Gordie Howe elbows. .Helped me cannonball national team all time scorer John Catliff when he played for BC at 96 Nats Rudy Norman... .dedication desire...bordering on ADDICTION...Has become one of my most treasured and trusted friends...a friend, husband and father all young men should strive to emulate Bob Spearns..leadership. .perfected position...friend/mentor... he mastered his position..was an incredible leader on and off the field...and could play any style needed depending on the opponent!!! Quite simply..the MASTER!!! :). . Bob Spearns. . ..learned importance of dealing with referees in a respectful manner ...importance of playing the game off the field MENTALLY ...importance of HYDRATION. ..pregame and post game ...tried to teach me the pleasure of sleeping on a well manicured lawn instead of a bed when post game festivities were completed. .BUT that one I said Nay nay! Ill stick with the cloud like matress and roofed canopy option thank you very much! Ozzy the big teddy bear....amazing SHOT...amazing touch on the ball! His gentle touch rivaled Mother Theresas..... his passes ..pop ball over heads to my foot... Favourite Noel quote....telling Jr... SUCK ME ARSE EDWARDS King Richard...gave us some of the most memorable moments in all time Laurentian history...played his best when it mattered at Nats and finals...besides 2000 we NEVER WON A TITLE since 97 when Richard didnt play!!! Richard and Mike are alone as best Ive played with....closely followed by Harry, Manager, Bob, Clinton, Scott, Rudy and Jimmy Fleming of the most effortless runners and skills on the ball ever in NL! Makes this game look so easy. Marc....drove me nuts playing him..drove me more coaching him..BUT..the boy is a fearless moose galloping in the open marsh with the heart of a lion....hed be in my regiment if I needed to battle!! Coaches Junior Edwards... GARBAGE. ...which is what Junior Edwards said tens of thousands of times over his career! How many Hats...and many....which junior catapulted into the ground while barking GARBAGE .... Only when I was writing a bio for hubbie did I realize that Junior coached me for approximately 25 of the 33 years I played soccer including minor and senior! !! WOW! Had a huge part in nurturing many decades of great talent from the ground up! ! He deserves recognition for all that in my opinion! However all those years probably a factor of why I needed counseling! Gord Dunphy..brought back some key essentials that were sorely absent in the early nineties! Namely. ..dedication, motivation, work ethic and instilled All for one, one for all attitude which became our greatest asset going forward! Tks fella Derek strang...elevated our strategic element to a new level...great player..started the retarded fitness training he me rudy Andrew etc were known for Greg Quirke....always had ridiculous respect for this man. Helped coach in 2002..Loved that he had the balls to take me off when I got away from the game plan Jeff babstock can games coach..taught me many aspects of defending and importance of fitness training Scott Betts..MUN coach and great soccer IQ Mention assistants. .., Jono, TJ, DOODLES, Myles....great friend and confidante ...REMEMBRANCE DAY...KEVIN KENNEDY and others..we PLAYERS are idols and heros to many..but these people who sacrifice their lifes so we can live in peace and FREEDOM are the REAL HEROS AND IDOLS Conclusion There is probably not many people that have greater appreciation and pride for the lengthy love affair that our town has with this great sport and this iconic team! A love affair which got planted over a hundred years ago...which evolved into an addiction and an adoration. .for the BLUE by young and old alike!! A team that myself and many others, consider the glue that helps define this unique town! In periods of hard economic times. ..the Laurentians have always been the quintessential presence that has given this community pride, inspiration and , most importantly, HOPE!! WHAT AN HONOUR IT WAS FOR MYSELF TO PLAY a community REVERED throughout, not just NL Canada. .but even internationally.. Not only for our passion and prowess on the field. .but also for our compassionate nature and the humane example we have shown to people of all races and religions throughout the world! BUT....WHAT IS NOT OFTEN RECOGNIZED. .is.. These players are less than half responsible for the legend that is. ...THE FANS ..and support why we are known globally as the soccer town on a heel in NL MAIN REASON IMO for our immense success..more than skill, talent etc.. Legendary fans TOTTI BUT....WHAT IS NOT OFTEN RECOGNIZED. .is.. These players are less than half responsible for the legend that is. ...THE FANS ..and support why we are known globally as the soccer town on a heel in NL. So Im going to finish by quoting a recent tribute to the Fans od AS ROMA....a team in Italys top league the Serie A. Franceso Totti is a legendary Italian National team player and the captain and probably most iconic and beloved player in the history of ROMA! MYSELF...being prone to emotional weakness on occasion when speaking about the team, town and people I respect..decided this would be the perfect way to get my message out without needing a heart Difibulator halfway thru..HAHAHA I changed a few words to make it appropriate for St. Lawrence besides that its all Tottis words which egos my own feelings and appreciation..and many others will relate as well Im sure!! -------------------------------------------------- FRANCESO TOTTI I saw you in the stands I felt you watching me I was always thankful for you being there You didnt always know what I was thinking ..or who I really was I couldnt always give you that BUT..I need you to know this... What I could give you was 90 minutes with all my HEART and SOUL I gave you that fro nearly 20 years I gave you my entire career as a soccer player All those years...Playing for you..our legendary passionate fans All those years...for ONE TEAM...ONE TOWN The great teams I was fortunate enough to be apart of has won you many titles, many medals, and has provided you and me both with countless magical moments I hope this satisfies you But I understand if it doesnt Believe me...I really do all of you..Ill ALWAYS be HUNGRY for more BUT..this is my moment to thank all of you Because you have unknowingly given me the purest gifts one could ever give another ENERGY and FORTITUDE The E and F to keep on going on the matter how desperate the matter the intensity of the pain LITTLE DID I KNOW...these precious gifts of yours would also enable me to keep going off the field..when I had never needed them more!!!!! On behalf of myself, my family, and all past present and future Laurentians..... I THANK YOU ALL WITH ALL MY HEART AND LOVE!! GOD BLESS ST. LAWRENCE and GOD BLESS the ST. LAWRENCE LAURENTIANS!!!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 19:38:57 +0000

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