Fiji Now Food for thought people of Fiji still dont get - TopicsExpress


Fiji Now Food for thought people of Fiji still dont get it reports that Tevita Gonelevu and Tanya Waqanika REVEAL ALL to Bainimarama, requesting that Bainimarama charge Khaiyum with criminal offences arising out of his fraudulent, criminal threats and intimidation, and duress against Fiji TV Board Members. This is interesting because Bainimarama is benefiting directly from Khaiyums criminal and corrupt activities and deals. Therefore it is highly unlikely that Bainimarama will charge khaiyum with any crime. Is the complaint expecting Bainimarama to actually charge khaiyum? Its highly unlikely that Bainimarama will do anything. Remember the Military Council. They also complained and recommended, several times, to Bainimarama to have Khaiyum removed. Bainimarama agreed each time but did nothing. Brigadier Pita Driti also approached Bainimarama about removing Khaiyum but he was told to walk out, as nothing would be done. Brig Driti is now serving time in prison. Fiji is a country without the rule of law! Where the military dictator, Bainimarama, does whatever he wants, when he wants and how he wants. Any resistance is met with brutality, threats, jail time and loss of employment or business licences, or all of the above, etc. Educated people know that Bainimarama committed treason, murder, rape and theft of native lands and even rigged an election to avoid going to prison. They also know that Bainimarama, so far, has managed to to avoid prison with help from his military puppet officers and goons, foreign governments, and direction provided by Khaiyum and Khaiyums group of conniving and corrupt parasites. BUT, in particular, they know that it is khaiyum who provides Bainimarama and his family with all the illegal riches [far beyond their dreams and natural abilities] that have been stolen from the people of Fiji. This includes enabling Frank and his wife Mary Bainimarama to purchase homes and luxury items with cash, when in 2006 they were ALL [Khaiyum included] close to bankruptcy. Yes, the dictator, Frank Bainimarama, leaves the running of Fiji to his corrupt and lying AG, Khaiyum [junior] while he, Bainimarama, enjoys his ill-gotten riches and travels the world, living up the high life. So it is highly unlikely that Bainimarama will do anything to spoil his new gotten wealth and continued freedom from prison. However, some suggest that providing a written complaint to Bainimarama has the added benefit of also informing the people. Really? How? Especially when there is still no freedom of speech and no free media. Besides, the Fiji courts are all dictated to by khaiyum and it doesnt really matter what the people of Fiji think. After getting away with rigging one election [2014], it is almost certain that all following elections will also be rigged in Bainimaramas favour. UNLESS, of course, the opposition parties and the people stand-up together for their basic rights and do something about it. BUT, so far the opposition parties have shown little ability, or backbone, to do what needs to be done to lead the oppressed people to freedom. FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Albert Einstein said that No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness [thinking] that created it. If Einstein is correct, then how the hell can the opposition party, who were in control of Fiji and unable to stop a bully from overthrowing their government, be able to free the oppressed people of Fiji, using their same level of thinking. Yes, how?
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 19:08:59 +0000

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