Filipino Rock Band The Kingsmen Playing Hitchhike The Kingsmen - TopicsExpress


Filipino Rock Band The Kingsmen Playing Hitchhike The Kingsmen was founded on July 1,1961 by J. Ramón Mon Faustmann (Arranger & Rythmn Guitar), Carlos Faustmann (Bass), Carlos Charlie de Oglou (Lead Guitar -- a cousin of Ernesto Ernie Delgado of The Electromaniacs), and Jon Achával (Drums). The Kingsmen would later meet up with The Silvertones and invite the band members to play together. Band member J. Ramón Faustmann recalled the meeting. I met the Nubers in a Manila Yacht Club Regatta to Cabcaben, Bataan around a campfire, where, as usual, I was jamming with my guitar! They were there too, also with their guitars. We struck up a friendship, and they invited me to their SanLo [San Lorenzo Village, Makati City] home to play with them and also teach them, as well. They were already getting lessons from a professional jazz guitar player, where they had learned a few songs. They called themselves The Silvertones (their amps were all Silvertone Amps bought from SEARS), I played with them in several places, and in time, I invited them to meet and play with the rest of the group, The Kingsmen! On several occasions the band changed its name to: Bob Dunn and the Kingsmen and later to the Royal Kingsmen in order to differentiate themselves from the Seattle rock group, The Kingsmen (who recorded the popular hit Louie, Louie). Bandmember J. Ramón Faustmann recalls the time. I remember very clearly we recorded Exodus (as well as Miserlou, Hitchhike and Honky Tonk) around September or October, 1963 in the studio. Exodus was then played during the Kennedy Assassination in November, 1963 on DZHP. Sometime in October 1963, we obtained two Beatle albums from friends in England, and we learned the songs in a week, in time to play them at various school fairs and TV appearances. We can claim that we were the first band to play Beatles [songs] in the Philippines. The Beatles were introduced in the USA in February 1964 on the Ed Sullivan Show. The Kingsmen had been playing Beatles for five months! Information provided by J. Ramón Faustmann .
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 10:33:09 +0000

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