Film review time -let us know what you thought of the - TopicsExpress


Film review time -let us know what you thought of the film Elysium If you like your dystopian future tales then you need look no further than Neill Blomkamp latest sci-fi action outing, Elysium. The year is 2154 and Earth is a wasteland full of pollution and poverty, its residents are desperate to find a better life on the paradise space station called Elysium in what is a metaphor for modern day border jumping from poorer nations to wealthier nations. Blomkamp continues his vision of an overpopulated Earth, much like the spectacular District 9, with each set on Earth riddled with filth and rubbish, while Elysium is a pristine paradise with state-of-the-future-art medical care and flying Bugatti Veyrons. Max (Matt Damon) sets out on an all-or-nothing quest to reach Elysium to save his life after an accident but gets caught in the crossfire between two political rivals vying for power on Elysium, two people who see themselves as betters than the mere Earth-bound humans due to their elevated location. If he succeeds he could save his own life and save every last human on our doomed planet. Sharlto Copley delivers a performance in the menacing Kruger that leaves you wanting more and more of this ruthless, psychopathic killer. For a man so seemingly likeable, he spreads it on pretty thick, committing act after act of barbarous brutality. He and Blomkamp work so well together, one can only hope for future collaborations. The movie sets up for a confrontation between Max and Kruger and there is no disappointment here as Damon channels his Bourne experience to bring us a knock-down drag-out fight. Jodie Foster plays the conscienceless bureaucrat embroiled in the political meanderings of Elysium but her accent is pretty questionable and slightly jarring as everyone else is bang on and consistent, especially Copley. A must see for sci-fi fans.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 16:05:37 +0000

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