Final reading of your life. By Ubaydullah Rabbani. What are we - TopicsExpress


Final reading of your life. By Ubaydullah Rabbani. What are we aiming for? Especially me, what is my target? To be sufi is not just to keep prayers. Yes prayers giving spiritual poower and heavenly support. Without prayers you are like abandoned alone and dua of Sheikh is not accepted for you as Sheikh Mehmet said. But prayers are only a tool for those who have heart and good character so that they may expand through prayers and zikr and quran to something good for everybody like magical instrument. But how to have this goodness inside first? This is important question. I hope people will put enough attention on this article because it is not easy to deliver this important issues to anyone including myself. This is all coming as spiritual revelations to myself as well because I ask myself about current situation and what is necessary to do and where and why should we move? People who are possessed by dunya earthly life has less problems on that because they are munafik hypocrites who doesn’t really care about anything else than their families and jobs and religions for them is maximum just a tool to help them feel special on their dunya life. So for me it is a tough question but here is the answer. To gain good charaacters people should learn from souls of prophets and their realities. People should look into those who were called prophets in Quran and try to see what they carry inside and what is their aims and what is their understandings of this world. I get this informations from my spiritual channels with golden chain of Sultan ul Awlia of course. Not just from myself what can I myself answer? I only can ask but the answer should come from above. And clean channel is from Sheikh Mehmet door with Sayedina Hizr assistance. But people think they have something through some other methods which I believe is mixed with imagination, ego and devils. I mean those who claim my way is not the ultimate right way of spiritual connection and that they have alternative way of something else. There is no something else it is all satanic dividing sects. Sheikh Nazim is not Allah and he is not protecting you from Allah if you believe his mirraclous powers are enough for your fanatic life. Sheikh Nazim has rules and disciplines (adab) if you want to follow him. One of which says the only open door is Sheikh Mehmet and that means you make rabita through that way not directly. Directly is not filtered way it is poluted with your imagination and ego and everything else. Sheikh Mehmet is filter for that and then you may connect to clean way. But for that you need also Sayedina Hizr assistance otherwise you can’t reach to Sheikh Mehmet as he is too high. So focus on Sayedina Hizr let him kill your dragon (ego) for you as this is his symbol of his reality. Then you may connect to Sheikh Mehmet and you will perish in his lights totally. Then it will lead you to river of Sheikh Nazim and all grandsheikhs seas connected to each other until Prophet Muhammad s.a.s. the ultimate Ocean realm of Allah’s mercy upon creation. What about great representatives of Sheikh Nazim tariqat? They have dirt in them. Like Sheikh Nazim said - if glass of milk has a spoon of dirt you will throw it away. Therefore all of them should be thrown away. It is harmful to all murids and to all religion to have such authorities who has a mark from Satan on them. And they are sitting in dergah as second khalifa to Sheikh Mehmet third khalifa to Sheikh Mehmet whom they never respected never supported and only because Sheikh Nazim died they wanted their names to be on top they came to play his supporters. None of fake representatives appointed by Grandsheikh or Sheikh Nazim has goodness in them after they have some dirt in them. I am telling you. The only way Allah to be happy with us is if we throw away all this authorities and do not make shirk to following my way - Sayedina Hizr to Sheikh Mehmet to Sheikh Nazim and all grandsheikhs and Prophet Muhammad s.a.s. souls. Learn this and you will not need to learn anything else and feed those useless charlatans who are called “Sheikhs of our tariqat”. If we are looking for an answer for how should we develop and what should we live for, we need to have a question for that first. And if nobody has question because they are happy with dunya life then nobody will find answer. But I am free from dunya life and i’m questioning instead of everyone and this is the answer. People should have goondess in them through souls of prophets and also they should clean themselves from ego and all it’s evil prodtuctions through spiritual connection with Hizr who is known as Saint George riding on horse and killing snake (ego) with spear. Then you may go to Sheikh Mehmet humble door to filter anything from inpurity if you want to be with Sheikh Nazim. If you say you have Sheikh Nazim other way - you are murid of Satan then. Because he mixing dirt with goodness to manipulate you and bring to dirt finally. Like infected body - if you have one deadly microb you are already dead and dangerous for others. I’m telling you. We need to get rid of every false authority in this tariqat first and from all dergahs as well if it is necessary. Because today all this dergahs including Lefke, Cyprus are totally useless and working only for satan. Because people there are dirty evil and they claim to be boss for new comers. Which means Satan took it as his fortress and he is poluting on naive hearts of seekers who might believe they found the way to God which is not there at all. And Sheikh Mehmet said about it also - nobody in dergah has spiritual connection to Prophet Muhammad s.a.s. soul. This was his answer to Sheikh Nassan when he asked him about it. Sheikh Nassan is known as one of murids of Grandsheikh Abdullah not only those who you see on internet TV with endless blablabla lectures. I am telling you from bottom of my heart this is message from Heavens and whatever you call above. If we are not throwing away dirty khalifas and dirty dergahs and dirty website workers our tariqat our religion all of them will be thrown to fire and they have no hope and no result. For making clean tariqat people need to follow my way - Hizr, Shk Mehmet, Shk Nazim, Grandsheikhs, Prophet Muhammad s.a.s. And they should through that way drink from souls of prophets of Quran and gain goodness. Then this goodness may develop through their prayers and spread among the rest of humanity as water of life to keep trees and grass alive as well as all animals and anything created by Allah. But not the way you used to do that before - it all will be thrown to hellfire. You all should start from the beginning. There is no awlia allah in this tariqat that you were believing to. You should all take this false believe like mushriks of Mecca took their stone idols and throw them away. Only one god and only one way to follow him through I showed you. Oh people I’m on position of Sayedina Ibrahim when he was small boy and you on position of people who pray to stone idols statues and I call you to only pray to Allah. Oh people take this message as maybe last message because it is important and if you don’t follow it there is no other way for you never ever forever. We are maybe sufi people but our purpose is to understand Allah. If we don’t understand Allah there is no use of us. Because what is use of soldier who has no ration (phone) to get orders. Lost soldier without orders is useless to his army. People today stuck in dirty tariqat and their souls are blocked. Satan is very happy. But I am asking myself what is the way? Because I feel there is no way this way. And the way is clean and start from the beginning. Or if you follow dirty way you all will fall with it like a crash of an bridge. Like Allah described in Quran the mosque that stands on edge of hill and ready to fall with it. Allah called Muhammad s.a.s not to pray in such mosque but to pray in strong standing clean one and the other one he should throw away. This is the message to you oh people. But this is just beginning of it. Only if you follow it you will see what I am talking about. Otherwise if you keep going your old ways and look at this article as something good for proving your old ways - you are slave of satan just like mushriks of Mecca. They all had true way with Ibrahim a.s. but with time they added stone idols and made religion of Mecca totally evil. Same thing here. And i am not saying that to clean is the final destination no. This is just a necessary condition and it is a first step. Final destination and purpose of life for sufi people is to drink from souls of prophets and become like them. Become their reflection and this is original purpose of sufi. That’s why sufi from the beginning means followers of prophets who are not prophets and they have silsila chain of transmission. Today you ask what is sufi? Nobody will tell you that they are those who followed alive prophet and then transmitted it further. Today people will say it is those who go to derga and make zikr and appluase to this sheikh or that sheikh. This is fanatic idol worshippers not sufi. Oh people wake up. Time is over. Last chance. Armageddon is on doors. If people not supporting Ubaydullah Rabbani way - Allah will close down everything. Sheikh Mehmet doesn’t need this bullshit either and only me can show how to follow him.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 16:24:34 +0000

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