Final report from 2014 Haiti Medical Missions Team 1: Final - TopicsExpress


Final report from 2014 Haiti Medical Missions Team 1: Final tallies for the week are pretty astounding... - 1111 patients treated in 4 days of clinic. - 5650 prescriptions filled by our pharmacy thanks to the many, many donations from our TrinityLife community. - 297 eyeglasses fitted. - 2 salvations in our exam rooms. Wednesday was the busiest day weve ever had in the clinic in Port Au Prince with over 360 patients treated in 10 hours. Among those treated were earthquake survivors suffering ongoing complications from field amputations, children infected with malaria, and recently orphaned little boys who simply wanted a little attention and affection from our team. I had the opportunity to lead a young, un-married woman to Christ who was overwhelmed upon hearing the news that she was pregnant. She experienced a genuine transformation in exam room 1 as her spirit was made new. Thursday, we packed up the clinic in our suitcases, loaded up the bus and the truck, and carried our entire team an hour out into the province to conduct a mobile clinic in one of the most primitive, third-world, humble villages you could ever imagine. Our team pushed through dangerously hot temperatures and rustic conditions to treat almost 300 of the most beautiful, appreciative, and kind Haitian men, women, boys, and girls. Some faces were new. Others we remembered from our first visit to the village 12 months ago. We treated, educated, and ministered to 5 day old preemie babies all the way up to an 82 year old town elder. They were all sick with something... most of them needing 5 prescriptions or more. Few, if any, complained. We are thankful that God is raising up a Godly, Haitian doctor who has offered to come alongside Pastor Jay to supply doctors, nurses, and some meds to potentially open the clinic at Morningstar once per week throughout the year. There is still much medical ministry to be done in the province, in the little forgotten about churches in villages so unfortunately unnoticed that their names rarely appear on a map. My final thought.. Before we left for Haiti, I believe God whispered a single word to me that would become the defining word of our trip; spiritual. Here is what i learned. Know that there are many noble pursuits you can choose in life in which our enemy will never interfere. Spiritual growth is not one of them. Anytime you set your heart and mind to displace the enemy, prepare for stiff spiritual opposition from hell. If you prefer a path of little resistance, then avoid spiritually meaningful pursuits. If, however, you desire to chase spiritually valuable things, buckle up your chinstrap and ready yourself for a winnable battle with our enemy. Our enemy is NOT flesh and blood. Our enemy will try to convince you otherwise. He fights dirty. From within and from without. He seduces, deceives, manipulates, and confuses. His tactics and strategies are not new. They are very, very predictable. But beware, hes honed his skills well and to the unprepared, his schemes are catastrophically effective. Hell deceive you and them hell recruit you to do his work without your even knowing you switched sides. Thats not how we defeat him. The way we defeat the enemy, the way we gain spiritual victories is not by negotiation. Its not by buffering. Its not by retreat, or ignorance, or even by doing a stack of good deeds. No, we defeat our enemy by fighting him spiritually through Jesus Christ. We pray with intensity against the enemy , not against people. We preserve unity and displace division. We forgive. We stand. We love. We serve. We rejoice. We receive grace and we give grace. And most importantly we trust. We trust and we do not doubt. We trust in our God even when and especially when every human inclination within us begs us to differ with Him. Trust is most effective when it is most antithetical. Yet, we either trust God we dont trust him all. There is no middle ground. In the end, we resist the Devil and He flees. Then the victory is Gods and the victory is ours. Is the spiritual payoff worth the fight? Ask someone who has won. Theyll tell you. And, theyll readily fight again. There are no civilian casualties when we fight the right fight the Godly way. What God needs now more than ever are more soldiers and less diplomats. Be a soldier. - Pastor Phil
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 13:50:22 +0000

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