{Final summary} Kaye Adams will be discussing politics. Nicola - TopicsExpress


{Final summary} Kaye Adams will be discussing politics. Nicola Sturgeon will become Scotlands First Minister - how do you feel about it? Gordon from Uddingston: Westminster has created its own hate by lying to Scotland and working only for the south east of England. Paul Edinburgh: Not only has this been the equivalent of a crowning but there will be a royal tour. The SNP are becoming more like a cult. H in Edinburgh: Nicola Sturgeon is the next best thing to Alex Salmond. Both have their finger on the pulse and both care about Scotland. They are not childish, power-hungry egomaniacs like other PMs. Come on Miss Sturgeon!!! David McKay: We now see clearly what Westminster politics is all about. It is about conning the public. Scotland was sold a pup by Cameron, Milliband and Clegg and Brown was the salesman. If the vow was anything of substance what it meant would have been agreed before it was made - not after the event. James: Another debate in Westminster. Will it end with any result for Scotland? Or, more likely, will it focus on English votes for English laws? What promised new powers will Westminsters selfless MPs bestow upon us humble Scots who decided to let others in another country make our decisions? Des on the Isle of Bute: I would trust Nicola with my life. She CARES about Scotland & its people & I cant wait to see where she takes us. John in Edinburgh: She needs a running mate to take the focus off her a bit. So far its been roses all the way but things might get difficult and it remains to be seen how she copes with that. Lusa in Pollokshields: Nicolas ability to deliver is not determined by her gender. Where her gender matters is in that inspirational role, showing young Scottish women that barriers are made in the mind! She is my constituency MSP and she works tirelessly. Ian in Falkirk: I think Nicola would have won the referendum. Salmond wound people up, Sturgeon wins people over. Linda in Inverness: Remember all the women who thought Maggie Thatcher would be great. Be careful what you wish for. Marty Wharry: She has five years to prepare us for the next referendum. Her passion is clear and shes honourable compared to the usual sleazy politicians. Bill McAlpine: With all his bible quotes is Gordon Brown the Messiah the Labour Party crave? Well there are enough donkeys in the Scottish Labour Party for him to ride on as he makes way to Westminster this afternoon. Please Gordon stick to backbench politics, take your big fat salary and the honours that will follow your retirement and stay out of Scotlands future. Andrew in Ayrshire: When are the SNP going to stop accusing No voters of being gullible stupid idiots? We understood the question. Now the SNP need to understand the answer was NO. Tony in Edinburgh in reply to Gordon on Scotland Live: I am English I have lived here 44 yrs. The hate, as Gordon put it, started with Maggie T and the SNP have risen on that hate over the years. Its time Westminster made amends to Scotland. S Watt, Dunfermline, in reply to Linda on Scotland Live: How can you mention Nicola Sturgeon and Maggie Thatcher in the same breath? Nicola is a decent, honourable politician. A rarity these days. I have been sickened by the leaders of the opposition at Holyrood. They attack the person and not the policy. Perhaps they should take a leaf out of the late Margo MacDonalds book. By their constant sniping at the SNP they have achieved a grand exodus from their parties. Quite an achievement! Stewart Connell: Mr Brown voted for legislative devolution. He was warned by Enoch Powell, Tam Dalyell and William Ross among others that it would break-up Britain. Phil from Ayrshire, in reply to Andrew from Ayrshire: The SNP will stop accusing No voters of being gullible when they actually stop being exactly that! Just take a look at the debate the other day and tell me you werent all gullible. Mark in Fife: I cannot believe the small mindedness of those complaining Westminster MPs are debating constitutional change across the UK. Is this just a lack of understanding of the impact of a one-sided separation of powers or just incredible selfishness? TeamScotland and nobody else matters Colin Millar in Glasgow: Like many others, I get fed up hearing that, as No voter, I was somehow hoodwinked into voting that way. I am intelligent enough to have made up my own mind and I reached an informed decision to vote No, which was completely unaffected by the vow. My hope is that Nicola Surgeon can accept that a very clear majority rejected independence. She signed the Edinburgh Agreement and should stand by its terms.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 17:50:46 +0000

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