Final thought of the day. The minister of the church that I - TopicsExpress


Final thought of the day. The minister of the church that I attend gave an excellent sermon today and I thought that I would share his message in five installments beginning tonight. America: Past, Present, and Future Reading from Psalms 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose for His inheritance. Besides the nation of Israel, there has only been one other nation that has been so amply blessed by God and that nation is the United States of America. We must never forget what God has done in the past for America. We must have our eyes opened to see what God is doing for America in the present. Then we must realize what God will do to America in the future. I. What God has done for America. Two things: A. God birthed America. We sing, My Country Tis of Thee Those words are backed by our history which proves that we have been a nation to put God at the center of what we do. 1. The first colonial settlements put God in the very middle of their life and religious practice. At Jamestown, Va., the first community building was a church. The Puritans first act at Plymouth Rock was to kneel, praise and dedicate the new colony to the glory of God. Roger Williams (a Baptist minister) established Rhode Island. Lord Baltimore held church service in establishing Maryland. William Penn (Quaker) established Pennsylvania with moral intentions and seeking Gods favor. When you read all of these mens comments there is no doubt that they were God fearing men. William Penn in writing government policies for Pennsylvania made sure all treasurers, judges, and all elected officials professed faith in Christ. Compare that to a few years back which the U. S. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with a Federal Trial Court that the Ten Commandments memorial placed in the rotunda of The Alabama Judicial Building by state Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore must be removed. Judge Moore authorized the memorial as a reminder that the biblical laws stand as the moral groundwork of American law. Our Founding Fathers consistently spoke of the need for utilizing the Bible and Judeo-Christian values in defining and preserving this nation: 12 of 13 colonies incorporated the entire Ten Commandments into their civil and criminal codes. President John Adams stated, The law given from Sinai was a civil and municipal code as well as a moral and religious code. These are laws essential to the existence of men in society and most of which have been enacted by every Nation which ever professed any code of laws. Vain indeed would be the search among the writings of secular history to find so broad, so complete and so solid a basis as the Ten Commandments lay down. Please note that the American Bible Society was started by an act of Congress and John Adams, our second President, served as its first leader. (More tomorrow night)
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 03:43:41 +0000

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