Finally 2014 is gone. That means that Obummer only has two more - TopicsExpress


Finally 2014 is gone. That means that Obummer only has two more years in office. That, by itself is good news, now we need the other 535 members of Congress to do some good things. I am not amazed that the media is starting to line up the contenders for 2016s Presidential race. I guess there is no other news to report. I find their predictions as accurate as the experts who have been telling us where the AirAsia plane crashed and why it crashed. WRONG! Again! So let us review 2014. On the political scene not much good happened. Gruber said we were all stupid...but he got caught, so who is stupid? The POTUS let lots of bad people go back to the field of battle and traded a traitor, along with 5 Billion dollars, which went to Qatar, (an extremely poor third world country) for five of the top radical leaders we had in custody. Which prompts the question, if we are going to let them go back to wage war, why do we capture them to begin with? No new news or good news on the IRS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, NSA, and now the CIA are bad guys for doing a job nobody else wanted to do or would do to get OBL. Maylasia Air went missing and at last check is still missing, but we found one that fell down a couple days ago and we found the pieces of one the Russians shot down, so at last count we are two for three, which in baseball will get the manager fired. Finally it has been determined that all white people are racists. Glad we got that out of the way. I do have a solution for that problem. We can just divide the country into black and white. I have no solution for the yellow, red, and light brown people, so you are on your own. From now on we will just have white cops in white neighborhoods and black cops in black neighborhoods. The same will go for all emergency responders. If you are white and own a business then you will only hire white workers. We will have two branches of congress, one for whites and one for blacks. Al Sharpton will be appointed the black President until elections can be held to elect a new black President. I guess we will also have to have white highways and black you see the stupidity of all this? I never considered myself to be racist, but if you keep talking stupid shit, I may have to consider it. When did cops become so bad? If you dont like cops, I would suggest not doing bad things and then your interaction with them will be reduced. If you get robbed, dont call them. If you get shot let your friends help you catch the bad guy. Medical emergency...put a Band-Aid on it and go to the new Obamacare hospital. Speaking of the ACA, the Employers option kicks in Jan 1 and then the proverbial stuff hits the fan, but well let that go until next year. The price of gas dropped unexpectedly and the White House has taken credit for that even though when the price was escalating, they said there was nothing they could do about it. Osama Bin Lauden is dead and al-Qaeda is on the run! You do remember those famous words? I guess ISIS or ISIL wasnt listening. We are now, officially, not at war with anybody on the planet, even though two billion Muslims want us dead. We have normalized relations with Cuba, even though the rest of the world has been trading with Cuba for years and the condition of the common man in Cuba has not improved, so how will America normalizing relations with Cuba help the normal Cuban? It wont but you can bet your bottom dollar that some folks here in the US will get richer. We allow illegal aliens, not undocumented workers, to have drivers’ licenses and how does that work with insurance? We live in the only country in the world that allows people to cross our borders illegally and not get shot, arrested, thrown in jail, or deported. We give them a court date, in abstention, and then are amazed when they dont show up for their hearing. Go figure? Here is my advice for the coming year. Make sure you have plenty of ammo, find a good place to hide when the Muslim invasion happens, dont get sick cause your insurance wont cover it, move to a state that has a concealed carry license and lots of folks speak English, fly the American flag, get the Bible out and review the Book of Revelations, store food, get to know your neighbors, VOTE!, become politically informed, read and increase your knowledge about the government, call your Senator and Represenatives to tell them you are watching them, and last, but not least, stock up on Vodka. Vodka has many useful purposes besides drinking. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Peace out, Ralph
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 16:53:58 +0000

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