Finally I found it! WHITENESS and WHITE! There is a - TopicsExpress


Finally I found it! WHITENESS and WHITE! There is a translation of a sermon by a great prophet: The Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings upon him), in which something went wrong with the translators. I have been Muslim for a very, very long time: in fact more than I was anything else except Black. When I first became familiar with this section of the sermon: ...there i no superiority of a Arab over a non-Arab or a red over a black or a black over a red.... Nowadays it reads like this: ...there is no superiority of a Arab over a non-Arab, or a white over a black, or a black over a white.... All of the prophets were from Africa and Asia, none of them were from Europe. None of them were European. - Malcolm X The original Arabs came from Africa and were all a dark complexioned people. In Mecca during the above quote there were black and red Arabs. These black and red Arabs are still around today, but the new Arabs with very fair complexions get most of the coverage. There is no sin at being white - but there is a major problem with writing history deceitfully. My great-grandfather was a red haired white man from Selma who recognized my grandmother as daughter. My stepfather is white: my awareness is due to him and my mother. I could have done it with my mother alone, but my stepfather played a major role in my life and how I was led to MY BLACKNESS and A HUMAN BEING! My favorite teachers were 4 white teachers and 1 Black teacher from the public school system. I dont trip off of color, but HELL I DID NOT INVENT THE TRIP! I am beefing about the creators of the deception and practitioners of bewitching. I have a problem with the folks that translated the Prophets words to their advantage. From what I see things that are called Arab are really African. The camel which is always associated with Arabs is from Africa! The so-called Arabian horse is from Africa! The cotton in Arabia is grown in Africa! Part of the Hajj is based on an African woman from Egypt named Hajar: she is the mother of Ishmael - who is called the 1st Arab: and he has an African mother. The Yahudi (Arabic for Jew) that owns Starbucks said that Ethiopia is the birth place of coffee. The camel is still used by Black African Arabs in the deserts today across Africa! Before they killed/assasinated Qadhaafi he made it clear he is African - and all of those disgusting lowdown deceitful Arabs from Bengazi began targeting Black Africans for death. And France was all into this, an have the temerity to say Je suis Charlie. They should say Je suis hypocrite! How France can fall in love with the Muslims that killed Qadhaafi: and Libyan oil, and have oppressive laws against its own Muslims and get away with it is beyond me. Getting back to the use of the terms white and whiteness. Malcolm X told us in his writings and speeches that history was whitened and he named the historians that did this, and so did Ivan van Sertima and Dr. John Henrik Clarke and Dr. Ben, and Rev. Al Sharpton. People in Harlem know this! There are books out about how some of these Europeans became white in this land: HOW THE JEWS BECAME WHITE, HOW THE IRISH BECAME WHITE, ARE ITALIANS WHITE, WORKING TOWARD WHITENESS, and OUR KIND OF PEOPLE to name a few books you can read. Here is Tim Wise with more information, and yes he is white. Hes actually telling it like it is, so I will not call him white, but A witness for the oppressed. He frees white people from the hoax and how even they were mislead. I write what is worthy to be recorded. - Attributed to Bukhari https://youtube/watch?v=J3Xe1kX7Wsc&noredirect=1
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 01:43:41 +0000

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