Finally, I pray that this truth causes us to remember the great - TopicsExpress


Finally, I pray that this truth causes us to remember the great need of our family and our friends and our neighbors. What they need is the Gospel. You know one of the reasons that we do not preach the Gospel to the people around us, aside from outright fear and trepidation. One of the reasons that we don’t is because we do not believe that they need it. We are not desperate over the souls of our lost loved ones because we do not believe this paragraph in Romans chapter 3. We look at our lost loved ones and all that we see is the inconvenience that they bring when they come over to our house with their stuff… and I do not mean their suitcases. That’s all we see and as a result of just seeing this here is what we pray “Lord, when they come would you please help them to not be as horrible as they were last time.” Instead of praying “God, this is who they are; they are not righteous, they do not seek after you, they do not understand, they do not do good, Lord, nor did I! They have not known the way of peace, their feet are swift to shed blood, and there is no fear of God before their eyes. They need the Gospel. God, please grant me wisdom to share what they need. Would you continue to break my heart so that I share it again, and again, and again? And instead of praying that they do not inconvenience me so much, help me to pray that they would not offend you with their sin. Because the fact of the matter is God, that I am much more concerned with my family, and neighbors, and friends inconveniencing me than I am jealous with the glory of your name. That is why we do not share the Gospel because we do not believe this. That is why we are not on our faces before God weeping over people who have never heard God’s truth, weeping over places where there are no churches. But we believe that somehow there are pockets of people in the world that are ignorant but not evil. Somehow there are evil people all over the place but somehow there are people in the world who have not had the opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and those people aren’t evil they are just ignorant; that is why we sit down and we ask questions like “Well, what about those people? Surely, surely God would not condemn those people! Do we need to go back and Read Romans Chapter 1? They are without excuse. They too are not righteous, they too do not seek after God, they too do not understand, and they too are absolutely no good. That is why we must preach to them. Folks, this is why the Gospel is good news because the fact of the matter is neither you nor I would have seen fit to go and redeem this and yet God, being great in mercy, did just that. While we are yet sinners, He did just that. Christ did not die for those who had a little spark and a little inkling that did something with it that made it worthwhile for Him. Christ died for the ungodly and it is because of his finished work and his shed blood that we are able to be saved. We get that then we get the greatness of the Gospel. We get that then we get the majesty of our Savior. Do you view your sin this way? Only when you do will you view Christ right.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 10:13:55 +0000

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