Finally! Its time to get this thing done. We had an appointment - TopicsExpress


Finally! Its time to get this thing done. We had an appointment with my bone marrow transplant doctor today. All my tests results have come back and he says I am ready to go. I will be checking in to OHSU on October 10th to begin the conditioning process for transplant. The first thing they will do is put what is called a a neostar in my chest. A neostar is basically a device that has three ports so they can administer the medications for the transplant process. They tell me there will be times when all three ports will be used at the same time. I will get intense chemotherapy for first two days, stronger than the previous rounds. Then I will get full body high dose radiation for four days. The radiation will be done once in the morning and once in the afternoon for a total of eight doses. Basically I will be a human microwave when Im done. The purpose of this regimen is to completely eliminate my current immune system and eliminate any remaining cancer cells that may be present. After this six day cycle I will get one day of recovery before transplant. The date set for transplant is October 17. The transplant itself is actually done by giving me a unit of the donors blood, should take less than an hour. The word transplant is somewhat misleading as they do not operate on me and even my doctor said its kinda anti climactic after all the do to get ready for it. I am so looking forward to getting this over and done with so I can get on to getting better. Please pray that I will take the treatment well. They have advised us that there are a number of side effects that may or may not happen to me, some are very serious. I do know from my previous chemo treatments to expect to be sick, in fact I may get very sick. I know that God is in control and has given the doctors and staff the skills they need to help me. God has been faithful to us through this entire journey and I know He will continue to be the same. I will update this as I am able over the next few weeks. Thank you all for your continued love and support, I am truly blessed. Jeff
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 03:58:50 +0000

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