Finally, a day of rest to catch our breath. We decided to ease - TopicsExpress


Finally, a day of rest to catch our breath. We decided to ease into our day, spending time in the Word and journaling. Apparently we got carried away, because when we finally got down to breakfast...we had missed it. We were able to pull on their sympathy and prevail upon them to bring us coffee. Yay! After everyone was ready, we walked about and explored the surrounding area. We went into a shoe shop and it was a very small room with shoes around all the walls and a large display in the center of the shop so you could walk in an oval surrounded by all their shoes. The drawback was that there was nowhere to go to escape the smell of fresh glue from the shoes. I slowly realized that no matter where we went there seemed to be a large collection of young men studiously watching. Finally some of us went outside to wait in fresher air..paratively. Although there was no longer the smell of fresh plastic and glue, a new sensory experience greeted us via a wild combination of honks and whistles as traffic negotiated the massive intersection in the heart of that shopping district. One by one we emerged from the store and gathered outside. As we stood there waiting for the last of us to emerge, the begging ladies found us. When the one lady made her way down the line to Ede who took her hand and just started praying for her. She even put her hand on her shoulder and started declaring blessings over her loudly. After about a minute and a half she gave up on her hopes of money and left, thoroughly blessed whether she knew it or not. We found a delightful clothing store with all sorts of finery and Pastor David and Elder Roy tried on some Royal Robes, fit for Princes. Joseph found a show stopper of a hat to cap off his new look, and after much laughter, we continued on, in search of some american food because it was clear that the curry had caught up with some of us and mild food was required to offset the balance. On our way back towards the hotel, we spotted the Taj Hotel and popped in for further refreshment. We all had coffee or chai to fortify ourselves since it had been a strenuous day just wandering about, and then Roy spotted a fruit salad with ice cream which was an immediate hit and sparked a whole new round of menu investigation. Crystal had stepped away from the table when her mint lemonade arrived, so Joseph kindly let the waiter put it right near him, and then it was every man for himself as straws were immediately applied to the task of taste testing the beverage. It passed with flying colors as evidenced by many oooohs and aaaahs heard all around the table. I think Crystal was a bit surprised that her drink was delivered only two thirds full. The really funny moment was when Joseph wondered aloud if anyone would help him drink a fruit punch if he ordered one. Given the taste testing frenzy he had just participated in, it seemed more like a rhetorical question. Lots of laughter greeted his query. Shortly after that we remembered that we had been invited to attend a local house church and we hurried to return to the hotel to meet the lady who was coming to show us the way there. She was waiting in the courtyard of our hotel when we got there and Crystal waited with her while the rest of us quickly ran to our rooms to gather our Bibles and other necessary items. We loaded into the two cars and headed off forher House Church. When we arrived we could hear them singing accompnied by the beat of a small handheld drum. We joined the and immediately felt the strong presence of the Lord. Pastor David preached and then Darlene shared a Word from the Lord about how as we arrived she could feel the Love of the Lord coming in and then going out, coming in and then going out in waves. We then prayed for everyone for healing and blessings over their lives. The Lord started giving me words for each person I prayed for and I was able to grab the interpreter and release those words into them. What a powerful evening!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 08:32:47 +0000

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