Finally, an update. It takes so much for me to sit down and do - TopicsExpress


Finally, an update. It takes so much for me to sit down and do this. Since we have been home it has been non-stop for us. Thankfully Marti Love is not in the pain she was at my last post. We think the medication we pushed for was the answer. Feel it is absolute pathetic that she suffered for as long as she did till we could get a dr. to take care of it that need. I absolutely LOVE being home. Jace said the first night we were all here, that was the best sleep he had all year!! He has been such a HUGE help with everything. We are so grateful he has the attitude he has. He asks what can I do, how can I help, encourages Marti Love to use her right arm, praises her, teases her, and loves on her. We are blessed. We look forward to more visitors from friends and family when the flu season dies down some. Just not interested in extra sickness at this time. Marti Love for the most part is doing well. Some days are better than others. Some days she is just so very, very tired. She still has not opened her right eye. She occasionally sees things and dr said it could be months before we see where her vision ends up. She is still not walking, except for transfers from one thing to another. Depending on how tired she is determines the difficulty of the transfer. I am a not looking forward at all to Jason and his muscles going back to work Monday :0 We are extremely disappointed with the way we left the rehab unit. We didnt realize how unequipped we were or the lack of education we possessed until we got home. The rehab unit at the hospital is a place that deals with things like this all the time, and should better equip parents with life-changes like what we are dealing with. Since we have been home, for 2 weeks I have called over 10 places looking for home-health care services to help at home for a while. This should have been set up before we left Atlanta. Jason and I have no clue how to properly transfer her to the van. And I absolutely can not get her in the van alone. Doesnt seem logical to send us home this clueless. We have been looking, calling and trying to research what is the best way to transport her. Until then I can not go places or get her to rehab. (If anyone has suggestions or knows of any details on handicap accessible vehicles we would be interested in the information) Of course we are praying this would only be a temporary problem until she is stronger to possibly do more independent walking. Another frustration is that we were to hear from the local rehab place over 2 weeks ago and get started with that, but found out Friday the rehab unit in Atlanta forgot to send some paper work!! Ugh. The plan is since Marti Love is not strong enough yet, we will go to rehab 2-3 times a week at St. Marys in Athens then if she is stronger in a few months we may move to day-rehab across the street from Scottish Rite in Atlanta. We are having to have blood drawn daily for sodium checks and I can not say thanks enough to the Elbert Memorial Hospitals Lab Crew!! Terri Dye Seymour is a gift beyond words, the whole lab crew is!! Also, a group of folks (that I have not yet found out who the people are - Jason and I havent even had time to talk about that) built a very nice wheelchair ramp for Marti Love before we got home from the hospital. So very grateful. We have a lot of changes to make and need a lot of patience making them. We can feel Gods love and are so thankful how God shows Himself in things, in people, in songs, in sunsets, in rain storms, etc. There are so many amazing little and big things I would love to mention and share, but this would never end. There are so many individual people to THANK and like I have said before, Jason and I desire to one day return the love back to so many people that have loved on us. My parents came down and stayed with Marti Love while we had some time out with Jace because this is not an easy thing for him, it is a lot of big changes for a sweet little brother. As a family we talk about all of this mess frequently and have to constantly remind ourselves that for some reason this is part of Gods plan. We most certainly dont understand it or even like it, but we have to trust His plan. His plan is perfect. Thank you for your continued prayers. We feel them and it is a beautiful Peace to feel.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 04:00:22 +0000

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