Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are - TopicsExpress


Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy.... ( Phillippines 4:8-9 ) Sometimes, what seems to be inability or a lack of productivity simply boils down to a bad attitude. Someone said, “It’s your attitude that determines your altitude” In other words, how far you will go is determined by the attitude you carry. In Matthew 25, the man with one talent had a lousy attitude. He was finding excuses. He didn’t want to apply himself to the work he was entrusted to him. He was lazy. So he covered up his laziness by blaming his superior. He said, “Boss, you are so unfair to me, you are a hard man!” But in reality, it was the man’s bad attitude that caused his unfruitfulness, not the external circumstances that he blamed. What he was really saying through his actions was this: “Boss, I’m not going to let you enjoy the fruit of my labor. I’m not going to work hard so that you can enjoy life.” Attitude is everything. What is your attitude? Do you honor those around you, or do you judge them? Do you work hard, or do you look for excuses to cover your laziness by blaming your lack of activity on others or external factors? I want to challenge you today to surrender any bad attitudes and excuses to God. Take responsibility for the abilities and opportunities He has given you and maximize them effectively. It doesn’t matter whether He has given you much or just a little. Remember, your abilities, opportunities, and successes will surely increase as you commit yourself to use what you already have to glorify God!
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 15:18:20 +0000

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