Finally got League downloaded and played a match for the first - TopicsExpress


Finally got League downloaded and played a match for the first time in a while Since Im on a touch pad, I decided to go with ADC to make it easier on me I could tell while in lane that the Vayne I was facing was shit, but she got first kill of the lane against me anyway because touchpads are horrible. Despite that, I ended up going crazy and ended up with a score of 14/2/7, with the other kill being Twisted Fate catching me while I recalled in a bush at about 20% health. (And I still almost killed him) Post-game, Vayne told me I didnt deserve the win, and that she beat me in lane. (Apparently getting one kill on the ADC that went legendary immediately after is winning lane?) Said my positioning was shit, and my farm was beyond subpar. Apparently she couldnt understand the concept of using a touchpad no matter how many times I tried to explain it to her. The Vayne that turret dived pre-6 against two enemies while at less than half health thinks shes better than me because she got the first kill against me while I was using a touchpad. Post-game chat was incredible jneal = my blitzcrank, Ajhira my shen, Rakdanahl me, and Cell the opposing Vayne. League players will never cease to amaze me. jnealsworld: gg Ajhira: ggwp dragonborn1358: gj tf CellBlade: jesus christ CellBlade: this ashe doesnt deserve the win... Rakdanahl: The worst part is that I was on a touchpad the entire time jnealsworld: LOL Ajhira: hahahahaha dragonborn1358: lol jnealsworld: how does he not deserve the win CellBlade: because i was beating her... jnealsworld: we schooled you like a kindergartner on the first day of school CellBlade: um CellBlade: sure? Ajhira: XD CellBlade: LOL Rakdanahl: I could have won lane against you much harder jnealsworld: bruh Rakdanahl: If Id had a mouse jnealsworld: you 3/8 CellBlade: no CellBlade: you couldnt jnealsworld: BRUH CellBlade: your farm is less than subpar jnealsworld: bot was 3/15 Rakdanahl: I know CellBlade: your positiong is terrible Rakdanahl: Im on a touchpad jnealsworld: you got schooled nfool CellBlade: i beat her in lane CellBlade: the rest was teamfights jnealsworld: he on a touchpad and we spanked you hard as fck dragonborn1358: well that was fun Rakdanahl: Do you realize how many times I misclicked and lost kills because of that? CellBlade: misclicks CellBlade: dont mean CellBlade: bad positiong CellBlade: they mean CellBlade: missing farm Rakdanahl: Yes they do jnealsworld: you got your *** beat Ajhira: ya thye do Ajhira: but Rakdanahl: They mean accidentally walking into the enemy team as the ADC Rakdanahl: And dying CellBlade: YOURE ******* CRAZY YIOyu ******* **** HEAD
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 23:42:49 +0000

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