Finally got around to emailing my uncle Jake, as he had requested - TopicsExpress


Finally got around to emailing my uncle Jake, as he had requested (by which I mean demanded with accompanying threats) that I email him an apology: Jake, I received your request for an apology. With all (very little, considering your atrocious behavior of making both physical and legal threats) due respect, you will receive no such thing. Your primary point of upset appears to be the veterans story that I referenced. Heres the thing: As I have not presented evidence so as to prove that what I said was true, it would be perfectly fair and reasonable to say that the burden of proof is on me, and that you dont wish to entertain that piece of information as part of an argument without having proof of its accuracy. However, once you wish to accuse me of lying, the burden of proof falls on you to prove that what I am saying is not true, and you have given no such thing. With regards to the physical threats youve sent my way, Ive no doubt you could kick my ass. Cool beans. Might makes right may work in the military world, but it doesnt work in the civilian world. I honestly doubt you could cause me much more physical pain than what Ive already been through without killing me, but either way all you would do is demonstrate that you are not deserving of respect. With regards to the legal threats youve sent my way, you would be laughed out of court. There would probably be room for a legal charge if I were to falsely claim that a particular person had engaged in a particular wrongdoing while in the military. There might be room for a legal charge if I were to falsely claim that the military as a whole had engaged in some particular wrongdoing. Theres no room for a legal charge for someone saying that the military engages in various unspecified atrocities. Finally, if you think theres room for a legal charge because I said that an unspecified friend of mine said that he engaged in and witnessed unspecified crimes against humanity during his time in the military... well, as much as I might not like you, I dont think youre /that/ stupid. You have your sense of honor, and I have mine. I know that what I said was true, and unless you can convince me by logic and reason that it was untrue, I would feel that it would be wrong for me to give you an apology. Last but not least, please give serious consideration to eating a bunch of bull pizzle, and try not to choke on it in the process. Thanks, William Heimbigner P.S. this whole thing is sufficiently ridiculous that I plan to post it to FaceBook. Soooo if I die, someone tell the police to track down my murderer by looking for large orders of bull pizzle.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 00:53:25 +0000

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