Finally have internet in my place! Waited around all day for the - TopicsExpress


Finally have internet in my place! Waited around all day for the gas to be turned on and to have internet installed. Missed a lunch date because of the wait. :( Now I dont have to hoof it down to the cafe to video chat with peeps. Sooooo happy! Here is my experience getting here. I will hopefully get caught up over the next few days. Plus have some pictures uploaded. Until then~ Read on fellow adventurers! May your day be filled with love, laughter and compassion! 7-18-2014: Flight from San Francisco to Seoul, South Korea Finally I am settled into the flight after sitting at the gate for what seemed like forever only to repeat the wait on the tarmac. I am seated next to the window in Economy plus towards the front of this section (second row to be exact). Seated next to me is a Korean grandmother with her grandson who looks to be in his 20’s. I was able to find out the grandmother’s name is Cindo or Cinto. She has such a sweet soul. She touches my arm, patting it, from time to time as a grandmother would console her grandchildren. She doesn’t speak any english and his is extremely limited. Warm people though. I wonder if she senses my sadness. Her grandson is so attentive to her needs, ensuring she understands everything that is happening as to lessen any fears she must be experiencing. She is tiny woman. Her shoes look like bedazzled crock sandals. Pretty pink with silver glitter. I will attempt to take a photo without being too obvious. When the flight attendant came by her grandson ordered milk for her. Then proceeded to pull out a sleeve of what looked like fig newtons from her purse. They offered me some. At first I declined then on second thought I accepted to be polite. As the plane continues toward Seoul, I find myself in a daze. Numb in a sense. It seems surreal to sometimes degree. I am moving to South Korea. I do not know any Korean, very little knowledge of the culture and surroundings. This done in part to absorb it naturally, without any bias or preconceived ideas. I want to experience the culture in real time. Once in Seoul, I have a couple hour layover until I board to Daegu. On a side note, I just noticed the grandson reach for his grandmothers hand, locking fingers and hold her hand. So incredibly adorable. :) During my time at the Seoul airport I will look to find an electrical converter. The one important thing I needed, I forgot. :( During the flight I helped the grandmother as much as I could. She is so sweet. There were a few meals she was not interested. I am guessing it was because they were not customary. I offered her my applesauce. I was given a Marshalls badge from Yellowstone Park as a thank you. LOL! Apparently they were on a tour of sorts and Yellowstone park was one of their stops. Not clear if they went to other states or not. Maybe the badge was also an apology for the grandmother passing gas numerous times during our 12 hour flight! At one point she expressed through her facial expression that she was sorry. I smiled and gave her the accepting nob and smile. When it was time to deplane, the young man expressed his gratitude and off they went. Two legs down. One more to go! I never did get a picture of the grandmother’s shoes. Bummer. 7-19-2014: Flight from Seoul to Daegu I followed the masses deplaning to locate the luggage carousels. I did ask a few Americans who happen to be not the same flight what was I to do next in order to get to Daegu. We were in agreement I needed to grab my luggage and recheck at the Korean Air counter. I was able to locate a luggage cart to haul my two enormous large bags around. I am sure I looked as though I was a foreigner. I found a charging tower where I was able to get plugged back into the world to let everyone know I was safe. Then I waited for my next and last departure….Daegu. I waited in the main terminal observing my new surroundings as you are not allowed to go to your gate until one hour prior to boarding. I was amazed at how clean and quite the airport was. Not one person is speaking loudly, Everyone is quietly moving about. At the one hour mark, I headed through security. When it is time to board, an agent walks through the area announcing the plane is ready to board. After boarding I quickly nodded off. The exhaustion was hitting….hard and quick. I think within in 5 min I was out like a light. Head bobbing along with some added entertainment of snoring and possibly drooling. Hey what can you expect after traveling for more than 26 hours! After getting my luggage I was able to locate my boss…or should I say he found me. It was obvious who the american teacher was on the plane. My boss took me to my apartment, stopping to pick up a few necessities to get me through the following morning. I have previously described my place so no need to repeat. Once settled, I quickly called it a night and feel asleep.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 04:28:30 +0000

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