Finally some movement ! Merck has been dragging this out hoping - TopicsExpress


Finally some movement ! Merck has been dragging this out hoping the victims would die first I have been waiting since 2007 At that time Merck had me blacklisted No matter which doctor I went to Nobody dared to help me Merck has that much influence My doctor even warned me not to go to a hospital if I valued my life at all This denial of service Attack against me is hard to believe But every doctor had a Merck Manual on their desk Just to point out what is at stake for them After a while one loses hope Still can not believe this is happening in America Then finally the pain gets so bad that one just wants to be dead Which of course is exactly what Merck Pharma wants When a company that size tries to ruin the credibility of a person they pull out All the stops Including hacking a life to bits And putting that person on public display via livestreaming every aspect of one existence 365 degrees of privacy violation at all times How they get Away with thAt is beyond me How I could ever escape this cyber rape of my person No idea Whoever i Ask acts as if they do not know what I Am speaking about Under these circumstances life is not worth living At all It started with. Fosamax in 1995 I am just one of thousands of others thAt have endured injury as well As ongoing Insult by the company Somebody should write a book about their methods of intimidation and character assAssination As well as their ties to nazi deAthcAmp medical experements Fosamax was researched in Mauthausen Austria How did the doctors and their research make it to amerikA It became an over night block buster Like Vioxx
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 20:41:16 +0000

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