Finally, the nation is seeing the Fox news network for what they - TopicsExpress


Finally, the nation is seeing the Fox news network for what they really are, as fabricators of the news, prevarication of the news, distortions of the news, fibbing of the news, falsification of the news, and just plain liars of the news! Fox news station is of great disservice and very harmful to this nation. When President Obama, our commander-in-chief, is put into question about his ability to lead, his loyalty, his trustworthiness, his devotion and this doubt put in the head of our military men, it is a very harmful and a very dangerous precedent to our enlisted men and women in the military service. This action will destroy the main core of a military discipline! When enlisted man will hesitate and question the orders given because of doubt, and questions the orders given, and fails to execute his duty, then the collapse of the military will proceed. This action puts this nation and the world in great danger and should be recognized for what it is. Fox News Channel is constantly insulting, disrespecting Pres. Obama and he is ridiculed by every commentator on the Fox news station; this is of great disservice and very harmful to this nation. Since the 1980s when corporations were allowed to buy the newspapers and news stations then use which was at one time bipartisan and by all stations reported the facts. From the conception of the Fox news station, this nation is divided, and constantly being torn apart by the hate rhetoric that is coming from the Fox stations, by the Rush Limbaugh and others. The news has become very partial and only reports to his listeners what they want to hear. This form of disreputable propaganda used during World War II by Tokyo Rose, which demoralized our troops, and they questioned the reasoning as to why they were there. This reporting that was used by Tokyo Rose and the Fox news network that masquerades as news is no different. Our military men should not be subjected to this disreputable and propagandistic political hit station, the Fox news network that masquerades as news especially through the armed forces radio network. The Fox news station is constantly showing their alliance, promoting, siding with domestic terrorists like the likes of the Arizona rancher, they are willing to raise arms against the flag should be banned. This nation need unity and the words of John F. Kennedy should be in the minds of every true American, “Is not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”! Yes, conservatives take note of what being an American, really is!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 16:48:19 +0000

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