Finalmente, habemus luz! Finalmente, somos esclarecidos e nos - TopicsExpress


Finalmente, habemus luz! Finalmente, somos esclarecidos e nos indiacam a fonte que induz e permite aos maometanos fazerem o que fazem no Iraque, na Síria, no Yemen, na Líbia, na Nigéria, na Europa e em muitas outras regiões do planeta. >...Khorasani says: “The Mujahideen were instructed to only kill the older children. The Peshawar attack is in complete accordance with the Prophet’s teachings because when the Prophet killed the Jewish Tribe of Banu Qurayza, he put the same guideline, that only the children who have hair below their belly button (pubic hair) are allowed to be killed. Killing of women and children is also in accordance with the teachings of the Prophet. Those who object to this claim can refer to Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5, Hadith 148.” (cont.)<
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 05:35:26 +0000

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