Financial matters matter. Life is great and it costs. I learned - TopicsExpress


Financial matters matter. Life is great and it costs. I learned accounting in college and budgeting at home. As previously stated, we began using cash and checks rather than plastic. Credit cards were for renting cars and emergencies. Checks were a form of distribution. Cash provided the limitations. In the beginning, we cashed our paychecks and had envelopes for all the essentials. Then we deposited the ones that needed to be paid by check; sent the payment as close to the due date as possible and never missed it. Next we created artificial scarcity. We have lived below our means our whole lives and never felt depraved. We have been vigilant in not acquiring un-needed debt and overpaid on incurred debt. When buying houses, we had realtors who tried to show us what we could afford, but we learned early to do our homework to know what we needed, wanted, and a range of the costs before we looked at what was available. With cars, I learned early most importantly we always needed a form of reliable transportation... then matched our lifestyle to the vehicle. I feel fortune that my husbands car was not his identity, so used cars became our forte. We have owned 3 new vehicles in 30 plus years of marriage. Our first one we needed to have a co-signer in order to purchaser it...a Honda Civic... then a Datsun pickup that was truly a mistake that we remedied with a Ford F250. Necessities never became a statement or a directional compass. Our lives have been focused on so much more. Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me. Psalm 54:4
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 11:00:48 +0000

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