Find Happiness in Another There can be no more human Joy then a - TopicsExpress


Find Happiness in Another There can be no more human Joy then a hearty laughter! When a good joke is spoken, or a comedian makes moves, or the situation that was set up by candid TV. HA HA HA Yes!!! I think laughter is a wonderful pastime. It reminds us not to take yourself so seriously. It is a sad person indeed’ whom cannot laugh at themselves. I find it quite easy myself to do away with my worries and troubles by looking at how incredibly messed up life sometimes turns out. I could say my situation is quite bad, but I think that is a very selfish and self-interest opinion. It has nothing to do with the facts. Most people in America have not travel abroad. However, those of us who have; especially if, we have lived in and visited very poor countries. See true needs… You would think people in such poor and dire circumstances could not find happiness. Much to my relief, even the most desolate and poor people know how to laugh and smile. It was during a journey to Africa that I was in Mozambique, a little boy came to me. He said: “I need shoes.” Shoes for my feet. I was not allowed to do this for him or anyone in Mozambique as if it was known publicly that a person “especially an American” was giving out shoes to people, he would be mobbed. Not in a bad way, it is just that people are so needy that when they see charity they hope there’ll be more. It was on a day in Mozambique that I saw, I could make a difference in this world. I could start a charity that would give shoes to children in Africa. Thus the website was created. I do not have the folds of skills needed to truly make all the advance preparations that other nonprofit groups will employ, but I will do my best to make donations reach their destination. It is my hope that with using the church, we can make a difference for poor people, and their children who have no shoes. I don’t think that’s too much to ask from anyone who has a nice life. My life is not all that nice, and I still find it worthwhile to make the effort to begin this project. It is my greatest hope that this endeavor will show instant results. I have seen others abuse the nonprofit system. I have seen them take the money for children and spend on their own selfish desires, and I had to walk away. Therefore, as a man who tries to practice living good, I chose to start my own nonprofit to counteract the evil I was exposed to. I couldn’t use my bad experience to give up on charities, and on donating to needy causes. I chose instead to be a part of the solution. I reported what I could to the proper authorities and left the rest of what those people were doing to God’s judgment. I do not fool myself about the importance of keeping your word. Honesty is what makes a nonprofit organization worthy of your donation. Always feel free to question the records of any nonprofit organization, via religious or otherwise. If you give your money away unwisely to any person or group that comes along soliciting, then I think the joke will end up hurting you. Once you found out you were swindled, you may choose never to donate to charity again. And ‘that’ is no laughing matter. I was not able to get started, so feel free to take this idea, and put shoes on children in a very harsh land. Johnny Exodice
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 03:54:39 +0000

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