Find out how your parenting style stacks up with those around the - TopicsExpress


Find out how your parenting style stacks up with those around the world When my son was 4 months old, I wrote myself was a failure of the parents. Why? I could not get this child to sleep at all. The only time I was drifting in my arms, and as for his back hit any surface , and I was bawling . Desperate for some kind of break, started to put him in bed with us. ( Public Service Announcement : Co-sleeping should be done only if the baby is in its own separate sleeping space do not follow my example ..) I felt like a bad mother because I could not just leave him to sleep as many mourn parents could . ( It broke my heart ) And I just could not fool asleep on their own, like many other moms and dads had dominated . Co-sleeping , for me, was the equivalent of giving up. Well, baby , you win , I lose. Now we go to sleep . If I could go back in time trepid these months , there are many things I would do differently. More importantly , I give myself permission to embrace all techniques have worked for me , regardless of what everyone was doing. Its in my nature to want to do everything perfectly . I worry every day if I do things right , if I give my child an advantage with my attempts to perfection or just royally screwed or not. But is it really a good way for parents ? good nights sleep Here in the U.S. , sleep training is a big issue for many parents. Ive never been a fan , Im impressed by the French, who manage to avoid the formation of strict sleep but still the same results (ie , a baby who sleeps through the night ) . Pamela Druckerman , author of Bringing Up Bebe : One American mother discovers the wisdom of French Parenting, shares : When I started talking to French parents in a dream , a mother said she was ashamed to tell me how once led his . son to sleep through the night Finally , he admitted he was 4 months old in France , it is considered too late most parents said their children began to sleep through the night . - this is the month of the term two or three Frenchmen . So we adopt their method and we will all sleep through the night at three months , right? Well, not so fast. Druckerman notes , They really could not explain how it happened. Most said they just follow their own rhythm of the child. Seem to be doing a bit of wait and see approach, as in, lets wait and see if this baby is going to sleep on his own , but they do not allow degenerate. If the baby continues to cry , get it , says Druckerman . But we are confident that you will soon learn to sleep for long periods. Elsewhere in the world, co-sleeping is considered the norm . Chinese generally Tots parents bed until 2-3 years and young Indians remaining in the family bed later than their early teens . Many cultures co - sleep for long periods of time without fault, Mei- Ling Hopgood, author of How Eskimos keep their babies warm , and other adventures of parenting said. It is also often less emphasis on bedtime it had in the U.S. In many places , sleep training is not necessary becausethey have no bed early , get up early , the same bed, the same amount of time [the U.S. ], Hopgood said. In Argentina , Egypt , Italy and Spain , it is expected that children remain in the family room , even if dinner is usually 9 or 22 hours in the United States , we want our children to be independent and become citizens productive , so an older model , it seems more consistent play. elsewhere , proximity to parents at all times is a core value . feeding Frenzy Attitudes towards food also tend to vary depending on where you are in the world . Americans hear breast is best at every turn , but even with all this emphasis on breastfeeding, only about 44 percent of mothers still breastfeeding at 6 months anniversary of your baby. C is perhaps because some people still see nursing as a taboo , especially if made public (although the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands and 45 states adopted laws that specifically allow women to breastfeed in a public or private place ) . This feeling of needing to keep the food supply of the baby in secret, however , is not everywhere . [ In ] Africa and Latin America , breastfeeding in public just is not a big problem. I usually see mothers breastfeeding in buses , restaurants and other public places and no flinch, stop Hopgood Shares leave him alone . At the other end of the spectrum , breastfeeding is not the norm elsewhere. For example , nursing care long term is uncommon in France. Most leave shortly after leaving the maternity hospital , says Druckerman . Breastfeeding is so rare beyond the early weeks or months in the UK. Once babies start to nibble solid , the American custom of introducing child food ( think chicken nuggets and pizza cheese ) is violated in France. From an early age , French children eat the same foods as their parents do , says Druckerman . The result is Everything turns children into small tasting gourmet French, she said. Although all French children may not be clamoring for another serving of broccoli , most no longer has several palaces and enjoy a wider variety of foods than their American counterparts. mummy style Perhaps the biggest difference between the practices of parenting and parenting in the United States around the world, is the general attitude towards the education of children. In many places , parents do not feel the need to be perfect and solve the problems of parenthood. For example , when I arrive in Argentina with Argentine mothers, all lament not getting enough sleep or how your new baby wakes up in the night, or how your child gets into bed with them. But who constantly worry about how to solve every problem . they look at me like I was crazy when I try to plan how to get my son to sleep way I wanted . was like sleep problems are just part of the trials of parenting and eventually pass , Hopgood actions. Of course , it would be impossible to find a parent anywhere in the world that does not care about the welfare of your child. Yes , people are concerned about things and eaten admits Hopgood, but not the same things that American parents tend to obsess about . For all you mothers feel guilty desperate for a 5 minute break , take this advice : The French assume that even good parents are not at the constant service of their children, and there is no need to feel guilty about it , says Druckerman . Americans tend to think that babies are helpless spots. The French believe that even a small baby if needy and vulnerable, is also a rational person can learn some things, like how to sleep. I would have been exposed to this diversity back when my son was a beginner, might not have been so hard for me ! It would have been nice to know what I know now : It does not matter how or where - to put your baby to sleep at night, he has a good chance to grow to be a healthy and happy well adjusted child. And thats really all that is important, no matter where in the world you are .
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 10:01:30 +0000

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