Find yourself and be THAT! So many people today are just LOST, - TopicsExpress


Find yourself and be THAT! So many people today are just LOST, hurt, bitter, mean, without any pride, or empathy or respect for anything or anyone. They are just sitting back waiting on a handout, thinking the world owes them, when in reality THEY are the only ones who can really help themselves. Yesterday I was sitting in office which had sign that said absolutely NO food or drink, and another that said PLEASE turn off cell phones when in office. But in waltzes a 13 (my presumption) year old for her pregnancy checkup and her momma both toting a drink that was so big it would have been easier to have wheeled that sucker in than to carry it, and proceeds to watch video on her phone with it cranked up to maximum so everbody in the room knew how cool they were. NO RESPECT I love Miranda Lamberts song automatic that says: Hey what ever happened to, waitin your turn, doin it all by hand. Cause when everything is handed to you, its only worth as the time you put in. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. Today if you are one of these people sitting back waiting, get off your @($&& and decide to take care of yourself. Get rid of the mentality that everyone owes you. YOU take care of you! Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will NEVER grow-Ralph Waldo Emerson Good morning :-) woke up at 4 a.m. to nothing but quiet. I love quiet in the mornings, it gets me more than ready for anything this day can throw at me. Jim taking airplane to maintenance today to juice up the air conditioning (emergency when air doesnt work in Oklahoma) :-0 Me? I will be all over the place. (as Jim puts it I look like a wasp hitting a window im moving so fast ) But hey!! a girl has got a lot to do in a day. Today whatever you have going on in your life, you only have two choices, Either be ok with it, or decide to get up, stand up, and fight for what you want out of life. If your life isnt going well there is a 99% chance that is from choices YOU have made. Today choose more, be more, by demanding more from yourself. NOW LETS GO GET EM! before someone else does :-)
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 10:52:03 +0000

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