Finding Hope in a Dark world It is easy to lose hope and to give - TopicsExpress


Finding Hope in a Dark world It is easy to lose hope and to give into a spirit of fear when you start looking at the news headlines on TV, newspapers or just listening to the conversations people have. It seems that the World is proclaiming all that is bad and evil. Rarely will you find a report on something that is good and brings a bit of hope into the World. When a child of God focuses on all of these bad things, you lose hope and get depressed. BUT, there is an answer. The bearer of good news and hope! The Bible! The Lord gave us this awesome book, filled with all we need to know, all the answers to every question and situation in our lives... The only catch is… you have to spent time in the Word for it to bring hope. God so clearly states in Psalms 119:105 Your word [is] a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path. If only we are obedient to Him and run into His arms and spend time in His Word, we will not lose hope! We will find all we need in Him. Yes, we are human. We do allow our thoughts and our minds to get side-tracked . We do allow ourselves to ponder on the things of the world and to allow it to bring death to our spirit. But, if we take the Word of God to heart as it is says in Colossians 3: 2 And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth, We can be set free. We can find hope and an abundance of joy and peace in our spirit. If you are feeling without hope today, take some time to fill yourself with the Word so that it can bring you hope and give you new direction again. Know that we are here for you and if we can do anything to help you move closer to the Lord, feel free to give us a call at 018 771 2123 or 072 472 3052. You are also welcome to visit our Ministry Website at ami-family/amisa Nadya Rabe AMI Ministry Team Member Apostolic Movement International P.S. I would like to invite you to join us at our Home church meetings on a Wednesday evening. Through worship, bible study and fellowship, you too can find hope again! Let us take hands and walk together, with the Word of God as the lamp, in this dark world.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 05:30:07 +0000

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