Finding Strength In Weakness To Fulfil God’s Mandates 2 - TopicsExpress


Finding Strength In Weakness To Fulfil God’s Mandates 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV) - But He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christs power may rest on me. In the recent months, I have been saying much about both the evangelistic and social mandates. Christians are aware of our dual responsibility to bear witness for Christ and to be the salt and light in our society. I am well aware that such a call makes people feel uncomfortable. Nevertheless, Christ’s commands have to be echoed and heeded. We look at our friends. We look at the social issues. We look at the challenges before us and we feel overwhelmed. Intimidated may be a better word. Changing mind-sets and cultural values are never easy. In fact, it is very difficult if not impossible. After thirty five years as a follower of Christ, I have learnt that many tasks which God calls us to do are impossible. Well, some people have commented that if it is not impossible, then it is not God. Now, we are not supposed to size up a God-given task by looking at the circumstances, judge whether we are capable of handling it and then respond accordingly. Instead, the appropriate response is simply to obey God and do our part. God will do His part. God will bring the result and fulfil His purposes. It really does not depend on us at all. Throughout the bible, we observe that whenever the people of God depend on their own strength, they fail. On the other hand, when they rely on God out of desperation, they succeed. Moses and the Israelites experienced this reality. They were literally hemmed in between Pharaoh’s army and the deep blue sea. At their most vulnerable moment, God showed up and intervened by opening up the Red Sea. Christians often look at the apostle Paul as a hero, a super-apostle. There are good reasons for that but I do not think that Paul sees himself in this light. He knew his limitations. He openly acknowledged that he was not impressive as a person and he was not an eloquent speaker (1 Corinthians 2:1, 2 Corinthians 10:10, 11:6). He encountered so many troubles and oppositions that often left him feeling helpless (2 Corinthians 11:23-33). He experienced cold, hunger, danger of all kinds and even shipwreck. Many people were against his message – the legalistic Jews and people of other faiths. They threatened him. They beat, lashed and stoned him. They put him behind bars. An entire city rioted against him. In certain places, he had to run for his life. Within the church community, he had to contend with false teachers and even some of his own sheep, like the Corinthian believers. Do not for a moment think that all these trials and persecutions have no effect on Paul. He told the Corinthians that he first went to preach to them in weakness, and with fear and trembling (1 Corinthians 2:3). Yet in the midst of all these, Paul savoured victory and success. Many churches were planted. He witnessed the phenomenal growth of the church and rapid advance of the Kingdom of God. He knew without a shadow of doubt that this was a work of God. There is no other way to explain it. It is humanly impossible. That is why Paul says that God’s power is made perfect in his weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Our weakness is a platform for God to work through us. Too often, human wisdom and effort have stifled the work of God. They get in the way of God and mess up His plan. However, when we acknowledge our weakness and depend fully on God, He takes over. There is nothing that can hinder or stop Him. Victory is assured and His purposes will surely be fulfilled. Do you feel inadequate and daunting about sharing Christ with your friends? Do you feel weak and powerless when you consider making representation about societal issues like standing up for biblical marriage and against the onslaught of LGBT activism? Be encouraged. Our job is to obey Jesus’ mandates. When we do that, His grace will be sufficient for us. God will strengthen us in our weakness and His power will rest on us. In His time and in His sovereign ways, He will fulfil His purposes. Pastors Les & Adeline Chua
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 06:37:57 +0000

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