Finding a Partner: How to Get God to Lead You To get certain - TopicsExpress


Finding a Partner: How to Get God to Lead You To get certain things right in life, there’s always a need to get information and direction from those who know it better. Marriage is not a complicated issue if only lots of us are ready to follow the Creator who instituted marriage. A successful marriage is beyond a great wedding but following the Divine Order and principles. Marriage is not a product of man’s custom or culture, it was instituted into man’s instinct by the Creator. The choice is yours to get help from the Creator or you use your intuition. There are several things you must do and not do if you want God to lead you to finding your spouse. What are the donts? DONTS 1. Don’t keep idols in your heart It is much easy for humans to conjure up images in their heart of whom they love or admire when it comes to the issue of marriage. Hence, they (person) become an object of affection. When this happens, you’re likely to dream, feel or be even ‘told’ he/she is the right one for you. Clear your mind off anyone you cherish for a spouse. Frankly speaking, I know it’s difficult to do but it will save you from future regrets EXCEPT you don’t want God to guide you. 2. Don’t follow certain voices Allow God to speak before you choose your spouse. Body shape, pressure, rising age, pocket and false care could speak to you in your search. Depending all these factors alone will mislead you. It is best that you choose not to be influenced by any of these. 3. How about dreams and prophetic guidance? Yes! Dreams are means of getting information about the unseen world. It can also act as a means of relaying one’s multitude of business which occurred in the day. Surprisingly, you can dream about your fantasies which you must have built up in the mind. This include someone you must have idolized. How about prophetic guidance? There are good and false prophets – some are called by God while others are called by their belly. Depending on dreams and prophetic guide alone can mislead you. There are good prophets though, but marriage isn’t worth been founded on it alone. Dreams can fade and prophecy may cease or be inapplicable in future circumstance. But when God guides you, He can weather any storm with you and you can easily go back to Him for direction. Spiritual guidance should be a confirmation to what God has told you. DOS 1. Trust in God It is better to trust God than to put hope in man. If God is to lead you, you must believe He’s able to do it. Trusting in God is not to have plan B if plan A fails to work. 2. Be still Many people are usually on the state of unrest when believing God for a spouse. How? They are dating brother/sister A while thinking of sister/brother B as an option. Some will even write three or more names of likely-to-be partners and give it to prophets or prayer contractors to help them authenticate the right one. It is not impossible for some to even take pictures to prayer contractors for confirmation. All of these strategies are the greatest order of confusion. God doesn’t work with gambling or sampling techniques. Be still. Adam wasn’t looking when God was forming Eve for him. He has being given divine anesthetic injection so that he can be calm throughout the whole process. You too need it if you can trust God to match make; not your pastor, parent or prophets. 3. Ask to receive If God must bring you a spouse, you must do the asking, trust His answer and timing till He answers your request. Some people are believing God for a spouse, yet they ask sparingly. He will only take you for being not serious or ages to get such prayers answered. But when you persistently ask, though He tarries, He will without fail answer you. All of these methods will not work if you already have your own plans or do not have an intimate relationship with God. A church ‘goer’ is different from sons/ daughters of God who are committed to His work. Develop your relationship with God even before the need for a spouse. Don’t wait till when you’re ready to have one before you get closer to God. You’ll only be in haste and confusion. Meditate in your Bible daily and don’t pray to God intermittently. Going to church weekly, quarterly or annually isn’t enough to enlist you among the children of God. Be genuinely born again. Be filled with His spirit and be spiritually minded all the days of your life. Moreover, your personal relationship with God is all that matters most. Marriage is less challenging if you have God in your union. Remember, a three- fold cord is not easily broken. Let God guide you! Happy weekend.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 05:01:58 +0000

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