Finding it hard to put into words my thoughts about the recent - TopicsExpress


Finding it hard to put into words my thoughts about the recent killings in Kano. I cannot place it but definitely a lot is wrong with us as a people. Have we reached the stage where human life no longer means anything to us? Its not about who is responsible. Its not about what motives anybody may have. Its not about whether our leaders are clueless or self centered. It is all about the sanctity of human life. After each tragedy, all we are left with is figures. I wonder if these souls are not fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, uncles, neighbours, friends, etc. to the living? How many potential lawyers, doctors and engineers have we sacrificed? How many potential presidents governors and senators have had their future suddenly terminated? How many dreams have been dashed. How many have been rendered physically challenged? And yet after a few days it is business as usual for us and our leaders. Our security chiefs sit and sleep in their luxurious homes and offices in Abuja protected by security operatives with sophisticated arms while they send Ill equipped men and women to the battle zone. Our political leaders converge and speak big grammar in their chambers just to score cheap political points. And we the citizens? We go about our normal chores waiting for whom among us will be next in the harvest of deaths which seldom visits the usurpers of our common wealth. If all the seats of government were to relocate with their families to the troubled regions would the security situation still be this precarious? If the targets of these blood fests were the leaders class will we still have these challenges? While we the masses hurl invectives, call each other names, insult and abuse each other while we remain in the cross hairs, those who are vested with the responsibility of protecting us continue to hobnob, thump knuckles, and get richer at our expense. Elections are just around the corner and they have yet again started their cosmetic constituency and people centred activities. They have started doling hands out, robbing Peter to pay Paul. We on our own part get carried away by the script and use our power, our votes to return them back to power. It is often said that if your reaping is not to your liking, plant a different seed and reap a different crop. I may not know yet those who I will vote for but I sure as hell know those who I will not vote for because they have shown in clear terms that they have absolutely nothing to offer. It is time citizens take back their country by chasing out all the pretenders to leadership at every level.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 10:31:35 +0000

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