Finding out where you got programmed... Many people search in - TopicsExpress


Finding out where you got programmed... Many people search in their past for that one event that lead to their negative thinking or a negative self image etc... Sometimes there are traumatic events that lead to these negative thoughts being generated. Once people identify these events then presto it is a first giant step for learning to let go and move forward. As you know your thoughts that you believe to be true cause your emotions. If you want to change your emotions for the better you have to change your beliefs to reflect better beliefs. The first step in changing your beliefs is to release your current beliefs and this makes room for new ones. That is exactly what is happening to people who have a revelation about a past event. Knowing what triggered your negative thoughts helps allows you to distance yourself from those thoughts and there fore not believe them anymore. You start to realize these beliefs are not you in that they are not a real assessment of who you really are. If you cannot find a trigger event which caused your negative self view dont worry. You may have been taught over time to think poorly about yourself. Little incidents in your past incrementally added to a negative self view. You can still release your negative beliefs by recognizing that they are simply incorrect. Come up with Optimistic outlooks that counter these negative thoughts and work your way up the Optimistic ladder. Be patient if you still come up with negative thinking - that is normal and over time you will buy into them less and less and THAT is when your emotions start to get better and better. It is possible - just be patient and gentle and consistent.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 00:00:01 +0000

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