Finding something to do with our own hands now that is the main - TopicsExpress


Finding something to do with our own hands now that is the main thing to do. We as people are often caught up in the airs and affair of others when there is no one tending to our own purpose for our post is abandon. We are instructed to seek out our own Salvation in fear and trembling because we have not made it yet into the Presence of God you might be asking the Question Why do I say that? Because we are yet among the living therefore while we are physically living we need to be in focus with our number one enemy and that is our own self for self will deprive us from entering into the comfort of the kingdom of Heaven Self will also keep us enemy with the cross by not wanting to be submissive unto the Will and Word of God and this is the reason why we live in order to submit our own selves unto God and God Power through God Living Word This is the number one reason why so many of us have fallen short of the Glory of God why so many of us is continuing going through a circle because we are not in the Will of God we have went out and establish our own ways of approaching God and most of that is trying to justify our own wrong doing while trying to put down on another person when God clearly stated in His Word that He is the only Judge and that is only for one day and God let us know daily about our own wrong doing and sinful lifestyle through His Holy Spirit it is not our place to judge no man for even the Spirit of God do not burden us but the Spirit let us know when we are wrong and it will place conviction within our spirit but by us being free-will spirit we can accept it or ignore it and most of the time this is what we do we ignore the Spirit of God and try to justify our wrong doing but when another person do wrong we want to kill, battle, denounce, insult, talk down on them So who made us the Judge, lawyer, and the 12 people that give the verdict Man of course but in reality there is only One God, One Word, and One Spirit every thing else is man trying to be god We are instructed in The Holy Word to Stand Still and watch the Salvation of God We are instructive in the Word to Humble our selves under the mighty hand of God and in due season He shall fight for us, We are instructive in God Word given from God unto man that We shall count all things as Joy for it is God Who have given us the strength and courage to go forth in this physical world, We are instructed in the Word of God to be Slow to speak, and slow to show our wrath, and never let the sun go down on our angry We are to place our Hope and Trust in the Lord We are to Love our Father, Our God, Our All in All with all of our heart. We are instructed by the Word of God that After we have confessed our own sins and turn from our own wicked ways we are to go out in love and not conviction knowing that once I was lost and also this could be me this is the attitude we are to have in order to gain a brother or sister in the Lord but we as the children of the fleshly man think we know it all when we know nothing except what the Spirit of God have given unto us to know and some knowledge given by the spirit of God is sometime given unto sinners for the save are to busy putting down on a brother or sister instead of building them up for God can and will use anybody, anyone that is able to perform His good work for this is the Lord, our God battle it is not our we are His workman designed for God perfect work to begin within us We are the light that is set upon the hill unto a world of darkness looking and seeking a way out of the dark and not to be toss back into the world of darkness but to be taught and learned the ways of God for even Paul asked the question How can I be taught the ways of God? because even Paul being an learned man had to realize that all of his learning was like unto do-do next to the teaching of God. For this is the purpose of God children to reach out into the deep and help someone not to push them overboard but to help them by the power, might, and strength of God precious Word and Spirit.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 00:30:07 +0000

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